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Defining a TCP connection on IBM i

We can define a TCP connection within the channel definition using the Connection Name field.

The channel definition contains a field, CONNECTION NAME, that contains either the TCP network address of the target or the host name (for example ABCHOST). The TCP network address can be in IPv4 dotted decimal form (for example or IPv6 hexadecimal form (for example 2001:DB8:0:0:0:0:0:0). If the CONNECTION NAME is a host name or a name server, the IBM® i host table is used to convert the host name into a TCP host address.

A port number is required for a complete TCP address; if this number is not supplied, the default port number 1414 is used. On the initiating end of a connection (sender, requester, and server channel types) it is possible to provide an optional port number for the connection, for example:
Connection name (1555)
In this case the initiating end attempts to connect to a receiving program at port 1555.