Use the TCP/IP listener on UNIX and Linux
To start channels on UNIX and Linux , the /etc/services file and the inetd.conf file must be edited
Follow these instructions:- Edit the /etc/services file: Note: To edit the
/etc/services file, you must be logged in as a superuser or root. We can
change this, but it must match the port number specified at the sending end.
Add the
following line to the file:
MQSeries 1414/tcp
where 1414 is the port number required by IBM MQ . The port number must not exceed 65535. - Add a line in the inetd.conf file to call the program amqcrsta, where MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH represents the high-level directory in which
IBM MQ is installed:
MQSeries stream tcp nowait mqm MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/bin/amqcrsta amqcrsta [-m Queue_Man_Name]
- On AIX :
refresh -s inetd
- On HP-UX, from the mqm user ID:
inetd -c
- On Solaris 10 or later:
- On other UNIX and Linux systems (including Solaris 9):
kill -1 process_number
- Create a shell script which sets the locale environment variables LANG, LC_COLLATE, LC_CTYPE, LC_MONETARY, LC_NUMERIC, LC_TIME, and LC_MESSAGES to the locale used for other IBM MQ process.
- In the same shell script, call the listener program.
- Modify the inetd.conf file to call your shell script in place of the listener program.
MQSeries1 1414/tcp MQSeries2 1822/tcp
MQSeries2 stream tcp nowait mqm MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/bin/amqcrsta amqcrsta -m QM2Where MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH represents the high-level directory in which IBM MQ is installed.
This avoids error messages being generated if there is a limitation on the number of outstanding connection requests queued at a single TCP port. For information about the number of outstanding connection requests, see Use the TCP listener backlog option on UNIX and Linux.