Finding installations of IBM MQ on a system

If we have multiple IBM MQ installations on a system, we can check which versions are installed and where they are.

We can use the following methods to find the IBM MQ installations on your system:

  • Use the dspmqver command. This command does not provide details of all installations on a system if it is issued from a Version 7.0.1 installation.
  • Use the platform installation tools to query where IBM MQ has been installed. Then use the dspmqver command from a Version 7.1 or later installation. The following commands are examples of commands we can use to query where IBM MQ has been installed:

    • On AIX systems, we can use the lslpp command:
      lslpp -R ALL -l mqm.base.runtime
    • On HP-UX systems, we can use the swlist command:
      swlist -a location -a revision -l product MQSERIES
    • On Linux systems, we can use the rpm command:
      rpm -qa --qf "%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}\t%{INSTPREFIXES}\n" | grep MQSeriesRuntime
    • On Solaris systems, we can use the pkginfo and pkgparam commands:
      1. List the installed packages by entering the following command:
        pkginfo | grep -w mqm
      2. For each package listed, enter following command:
        pkgparam pkgname BASEDIR
    • On Windows systems, we can use the wmic command. This command might install the wmic client:
      wmic product where "(Name like '%MQ%') AND (not Name like '%bitSupport')" get Name, Version, InstallLocation
  • On UNIX and Linux systems, issue the following command to find out where IBM MQ has been installed:
    cat /etc/opt/mqm/mqinst.ini
    Then use the dspmqver command from a Version 7.1 or later installation.
  • To display details of installations on the system, on 32-bit Windows, issue the following command:
    reg.exe query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\WebSphere MQ\Installation" /s
  • On 64-bit Windows, issue the following command:
    reg.exe query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\IBM\WebSphere MQ\Installation" /s

Note: the reg.exe command will only display information for Version 7.1 or later installations.