MQTT client authentication using TLS
Connections between the MQTT client and the queue manager are always initiated by the MQTT client. The MQTT client is always the SSL client. Client authentication of the server and server authentication of the MQTT client are both optional.
By providing the client with a private signed digital certificate, we can authenticate the MQTT client to WebSphere MQ. The WebSphere MQ Administrator can force MQTT clients to authenticate themselves to the queue manager using TLS. We can only request client authentication as part of mutual authentication.
As an alternative to using SSL, some kinds of Virtual Private Network (VPN), such as IPsec, authenticate the endpoints of a TCP/IP connection. VPN encrypts each IP packet that flows over the network. Once such a VPN connection is established, we have established a trusted network. We can connect MQTT clients to telemetry channels using TCP/IP over the VPN network.
Client authentication using TLS relies upon the client having a secret. The secret is the private key of the client in the case of a self-signed certificate, or a key provided by a certificate authority. The key is used to sign the digital certificate of the client. Anyone in possession of the corresponding public key can verify the digital certificate. Certificates can be trusted, or if they are chained, traced back through a certificate chain to a trusted root certificate. Client verification sends all the certificates in the certificate chain provided by the client to the server. The server checks the certificate chain until it finds a certificate it trusts. The trusted certificate is either the public certificate generated from a self-signed certificate, or a root certificate typically issued by a certificate authority. As a final, optional, step the trusted certificate can be compared with a "live" certificate revocation list.
The trusted certificate might be issued by a certificate authority and already included in the JRE certificate store. It might be a self-signed certificate, or any certificate that has been added to the telemetry channel keystore as a trusted certificate. Note: The telemetry channel has a combined keystore/truststore that holds both the private keys to one or more telemetry channels, and any public certificates needed to authenticate clients. Because an SSL channel must have a keystore, and it is the same file as the channel truststore, the JRE certificate store is never referenced. The implication is that if authentication of a client requires a CA root certificate, you must place the root certificate in the keystore for the channel, even if the CA root certificate is already in the JRE certificate store. The JRE certificate store is never referenced.Think about the threats that client authentication is intended to counter, and the roles the client and server play in countering the threats. Authenticating the client certificate alone is insufficient to prevent unauthorized access to a system. If someone else has got hold of the client device, the client device is not necessarily acting with the authority of the certificate holder. Never rely on a single defense against unwanted attacks. At least use a two-factor authentication approach and supplement possession of a certificate with knowledge of private information. For example, use JAAS, and authenticate the client using a password issued by the server.
The primary threat to the client certificate is that it gets into the wrong hands. The certificate is held in a password protected keystore at the client. How does it get placed in the keystore? How does the MQTT client get the password to the keystore? How secure is the password protection? Telemetry devices are often easy to remove, and then can be hacked in private. Must the device hardware be tamper-proof? Distributing and protecting client-side certificates is recognized to be hard; it is called the key-management problem.
A secondary threat is that the device is misused to access servers in unintended ways. For example, if the MQTT application is tampered with, it might be possible to use a weakness in the server configuration using the authenticated client identity.
To authenticate an MQTT client using SSL, configure the telemetry channel, and the client.