Preparing queue managers for remote administration
How to use MQSC commands to prepare queue managers for remote administration.
Figure 1 shows the configuration of queue managers and channels that you need for remote administration using the runmqsc command. The object source.queue.manager is the source queue manager from which we can issue MQSC commands and to which the results of these commands (operator messages) are returned. The object target.queue.manager is the name of the target queue manager, which processes the commands and generates any operator messages.
On both systems, if we have not already done so:On the target queue manager:
- Create the queue manager and the default objects, using the crtmqm command. For more information, see crtmqm.
- Start the queue manager, using the strmqm command. For more information, see strmqm.
- The command queue, SYSTEM.ADMIN.COMMAND.QUEUE, must be present. This queue is created by default when a queue manager is created.
You have to run these commands locally or over a network facility such as Telnet.