DLQ rules (patterns and actions) on IBM i
A description of the patterns and actions for each of the IBM® i dead-letter queue rules.
Here is an example rule from a DLQ handler rules table:PERSIST(MQPER_PERSISTENT) REASON (MQRC_PUT_INHIBITED) + ACTION (RETRY) RETRY (3)This rule instructs the DLQ handler to make 3 attempts to deliver to its destination queue any persistent message that was put on the DLQ because MQPUT and MQPUT1 were inhibited. This section describes the keywords that we can include in a rule. Note the following:
- The default value for a keyword, if any, is underlined. For most keywords, the default value is * (asterisk), which matches any value.
- The vertical line (|) separates alternatives. We can specify only one of these.
- All keywords except ACTION are optional.
This section begins with a description of the pattern-matching keywords (those against which messages on the DLQ are matched). It then describes the action keywords (those that determine how the DLQ handler is to process a matching message).