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Defining scaling policies to manage workload

We can manage the workload by defining scaling policies.

If no scaling policy is previously defined, then by default, the scaling controller decides when to start and stop dynamic cluster members based on the following criteria:

Optionally, we can define scaling policies to change the criteria that the scaling controller uses for all clusters or for specific clusters. There are two types of scaling policies:

The metric policy setting takes precedence over the minimum instances setting. If a scalingPolicy metric threshold is breached, the scaling controller will not start a new server on that host, even to meet the minimum number of instances specified by the scalingPolicy. For more information on scalingPolicy metrics see, scalingController-1.0.

  1. Add the default scaling definitions.
     <defaultScalingPolicy enabled="true" min="1" max="2"/>

  2. When a scaling policy is modified, the server.xml in the controller is also modified. We can check the messages.log file for the following messages to verify that the controller was successfully updated.
    CWWKG0016I: Starting server configuration update.
    CWWKG0028A: Processing included configuration resource: /home/AdminUser/liberty/workspave/build.image/wlp/usr/
    CWWKG0017I: The server configuration was successfully updated in 0.052 seconds


Your scaling policies are now defined.


  • Set up Auto Scaling for Liberty collectives