Configure JMS connection factories
We can configure JMS connection factories provided by resource adapters that comply with the Java EE Connector Architecture (JCA) specification.
We can configure one or more JMS connection factory instances for JMS connection factory types provided by an installed resource adapter.
Configuration elements are provided for the following types of JMS connection factories:
- javax.jms.ConnectionFactory: jmsConnectionFactory
- javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory: jmsQueueConnectionFactory
- javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory: jmsTopicConnectionFactory
To add JCA support for the Liberty profile, we must edit server.xml using either the Source view of the Server configuration editor of the WebSphere Application Server Developer Tools for Eclipse, or some other text editor. Editing portions of the configuration for connection factories, administrative objects, activation specifications, and resource adapters in the Design view is not supported in the Beta.
Configure one or more JMS connection factory instances. When we configure the connection factory instances, supply a properties subelement, even if we do not want to override any configuration properties, to associate the jmsConnectionFactory, jmsQueueConnectionFactory, or jmsTopicConnectionFactory element with a connection factory interface provided by a particular resource adapter. The properties subelement always follows the pattern properties.<rar_identifier> for JMS connection factories. In the following example, the MyAdapter resource adapter provides only one type of connection factory:
<jmsConnectionFactory jndiName="jms/cf" containerAuthDataRef="auth1"> <properties.MyAdapter serverName="localhost" anotherProperty="40"/> </jmsConnectionFactory> <authData id="auth1" user="user1" password="{xor}Lz4sLCgwLTtu"/> <jmsQueueConnectionFactory jndiName="jms/qcf"> <connectionManager maxPoolSize="20" connectionTimeout="0"/> <properties.MyAdapter serverName="localhost" vendorProp1="1"/> </jmsQueueConnectionFactory> <jmsTopicConnectionFactory jndiName="jms/tcf"> <properties.MyAdapter serverName="localhost" prop1="A" prop2="B"/> </jmsTopicConnectionFactory>This topic assumes that a resource adapter with a unique identifier of MyAdapter has already been configured in the server and that the jms-1.1 feature has been enabled, see topic Configure resource adapters for further details.
Limitation: Editing the properties of the resource adapter configuration for connection factories, administrative objects, activation specifications, and resource adapters in the Design view of WebSphere Development Tools (WDT) is not supported.
Parent topic:
Overview of JCA configuration elements