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How data source configuration updates are applied

If we change the attributes of the dataSource element while a server is running, the updates to different attributes are applied at different times and in different ways.

You configure a data source by specifying the attributes of the dataSource element in server.xml. If we change these attributes for a running server, the updates are applied at different times and in different ways, depending on which attribute is changed. The following table describes, for each attribute of the dataSource element, how a configuration change is applied at run time.

data source configuration updates are applied at run time . The first column of the table lists the attributes of the dataSource element. The second column describes, for each attribute, how the configuration
Attribute name How the configuration update is applied
beginTranForResultSetScrollingAPIs The update is effective immediately.
beginTranForVendorAPIs The update is effective immediately.
commitOrRollbackOnCleanup The update is effective immediately.
connectionManagerRef All connections and the connection pool are destroyed. The data source is then managed by the new connection manager.
connectionSharing The update is applied with each first connection handle in a transaction.
isolationLevel The update is applied with new connection requests; current connections retain their isolation level.
jdbcDriverRef All connections and the connection pool are destroyed. The new JDBC driver is then used.
jndiName All connections and the connection pool are destroyed. The new JNDI name is then used.
propertiesRef If the data source is Derby Embedded, all connections and the connection pool are destroyed before new properties go into effect.  For other JDBC drivers, the new properties go into effect with new connection requests.
queryTimeout The update is effective immediately.
recoveryAuthDataRef Authentication data for transaction recovery. All connections and the connection pool are destroyed. The new recovery authentication data is then used.
statementCacheSize The statement cache is resized upon next use.
supplementalJDBCTrace All connections and the connection pool are destroyed. The new setting is then used.
syncQueryTimeoutWithTransactionTimeout The update is effective immediately.
transactional The update is applied to new connections and existing connections not in use from the connection pool.
type All connections and the connection pool are destroyed. The new setting is then used.

Parent topic: Configure database connectivity