Name Value id cmis:folder localName folder localNamespace
queryName cmis:folder displayName Folder baseId cmis:folder parentId
description Folder createable false fileable true queryable false controllablePolicy false includedInSupertypeQuery true controllableACL false contentStreamAllowed
versionable false fulltextIndexed false
Table 2. cmis:parentId
Name Value defaultValue
description Id of the parent folder of the folder displayName Parent Id id cmis:parentId localName cmis_parentId localNamespace
queryName cmis:parentId cardinality single propertyType id updatability readonly Table 3. cmis:lastModificationDate
Name Value defaultValue
description Date and time when any property on the object was updated displayName Any Update id cmis:lastModificationDate localName cmis_lastModificationDate localNamespace
queryName cmis:lastModificationDate cardinality single propertyType datetime updatability readonly Table 4. cmis:baseTypeId
Name Value defaultValue
description Id of the base object-type for the object displayName Base Type Id id cmis:baseTypeId localName cmis_baseTypeId localNamespace
queryName cmis:baseTypeId cardinality single propertyType id updatability readonly Table 5. cmis:changeToken
Name Value defaultValue
description Opaque token used for optimistic locking and concurrency checking displayName Change Token id cmis:changeToken localName cmis_changeToken localNamespace
queryName cmis:changeToken cardinality single propertyType string updatability readonly Table 6. cmis:creationDate
Name Value defaultValue
description Date and time when the object was created displayName Creation Date id cmis:creationDate localName cmis_creationDate localNamespace
queryName cmis:creationDate cardinality single propertyType datetime updatability readonly Table 7. cmis:objectId
Name Value defaultValue
description Id of the object displayName Id id cmis:objectId localName cmis_objectId localNamespace
queryName cmis:objectId cardinality single propertyType boolean updatability readonly Table 8. cmis:createdBy
Name Value defaultValue
description User who created the object displayName Created By id cmis:createdBy localName cmis_createdBy localNamespace
queryName cmis:createdBy cardinality single propertyType string updatability readonly Table 9. cmis:name
Name Value defaultValue
description Name of the document displayName Name id cmis:name localName cmis_name localNamespace
queryName cmis:name cardinality single propertyType string updatability readwrite Table 10. cmis:path
Name Value defaultValue
description The fully qualified path to this folder displayName Path id cmis:path localName cmis_path localNamespace
queryName cmis:path cardinality single propertyType string updatability readonly Table 11. cmis:lastModifiedBy
Name Value defaultValue
description User who last modified the object displayName Last Modified By id cmis:lastModifiedBy localName cmis_lastModifiedBy localNamespace
queryName cmis:lastModifiedBy cardinality single propertyType string updatability readonly Table 12. cmis:objectTypeId
Name Value defaultValue
description Id of the object's type displayName Object Type Id id cmis:objectTypeId localName cmis_objectTypeId localNamespace
queryName cmis:objectTypeId cardinality single propertyType id updatability oncreate Table 13. cmis:allowedChildObjectTypeIds
Name Value defaultValue
description The set of Object-types that can be created, moved or filed into this folder displayName Allowed Child Object Type Ids id cmis:allowedChildObjectTypeIds localName cmis_allowedChildObjectTypeIds localNamespace
queryName cmis:allowedChildObjectTypeIds cardinality multi propertyType id updatability readonly
Parent topic
Files CMIS object types