Update profile tags 

To update the tags that one user created and assigned to another user's profile, use a HTTP PUT request to update the tags listed in the tag creator's tags category document.

When you update profile tags, the existing tag information is replaced with the new data. To avoid deleting all existing tags, retrieve the tags that you want to retain first, and send them back with this request. See Retrieve profile tags for more information.

You can add tags to anyone's collection. You can only replace tags created by the user whose credentials you provided to authenticate with the server. You can remove tags from the tag collection for your profile by leaving them out of the updated set. See Authenticating requests for information about how to authenticate the request.

Table 1. Atom API request details

Method Resource URI Input representation
PUT Atom category document /atom/profileTags.do Profiles tags category document

Table 2. Input parameters

Parameter Description
targetEmail Specifies the email address of the person whose profile you want to apply the updated tags to. Provide one target parameter, either this option or the targetKey option.
targetKey Specifies the unique ID of the person whose profile you want to apply the updated tags to. Provide one target parameter, either this option or the targetEmail option.
sourceEmail Specifies the email address of the creator of the tags. Provide one source parameter, either this option or the sourceKey option.
sourceKey Specifies the unique ID of the creator of the tags. Provide one source parameter, either this option or the sourceEmail option.

Note: An example of when you might want to use one of the source parameters is if you tagged a person's profile, and then wanted to update it. For example, you tagged Sandy's profile. Now you want to add a new tag to the set. First, you retrieve the existing tags, and then you update them. To both retrieve and update the tags, specify Sandy's information using a target parameter and provide your email or key using a source parameter.


Provide a profile tags Atom categories document.

Note: The content type of the Atom entry document must be application/atomcat+xml.



Returned HTTP headers

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

Parent topic

Work with profile tags

Related reference
Tags category document
Retrieve profile tags





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