Importing the IBM Connections certificate for your browser
Import the security certificate for IBM Connections to avoid warnings from your browser.
Before starting
In order to view bookmark and activity icons, import a security certificate. If you do not, your browser will put up security alerts when it displays IBM Connections icons.
About this task
Follow the steps for the browser you are using.
- To install a certificate for Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6.x:
- Open the Internet Explorer browser and navigate to your Connections Server over https.
For example: .
- Click the Certificate Icon located on the bottom corner of the browser window.
- Click Install Certificate.
- Follow the steps in the Install Certificate wizard.
Keep the default settings and respond "Yes" to the security warning.
- Follow the installation, log onto the IBM WebSphere Portal server running the IBM Connections portlets and verify you do not get the security warning when you use the Activities or Bookmarks portlets.
- To install a certificate for Microsoft Internet Explorer version 7.x:
- Open the Internet Explorer browser and navigate to your Connections Server over https.
For example: .
- Click the Certificate Error dropdown next to the Address bar at the top of the browser window.
- Click View Certificates.
- Click Install Certificate.
- Follow the steps in the Install Certificate wizard.
Keep the default settings and ignore any security warning.
- Follow the installation, log onto the IBM WebSphere Portal server running the IBM Connections portlets and verify you do not get the security warning when you use the Activities or Bookmarks portlets.
- To install a certificate for Firefox Mozilla version 3x:
- Open Firefox Mozilla browser and navigate to your Connections Server over https.
For example: . You will be prompted with a security warning.
- Click the Or you can add an Exception link on the security dialog box.
- Click Add Exception.
- Click Get Certificate.
- Follow the steps in the Install Certificate wizard.
- Follow the installation, log onto the IBM WebSphere Portal server running the IBM Connections portlets and verify you do not get the security warning when you use the Activities or Bookmarks portlets.
Parent topic
IBM Connections Portlets for WebSphere Portal