IBM Connections notifications error messages
Use the codes included in the error messages generated by IBM Connections to identify problems related to the notifications service of the Home page application and find solutions to those problems.The following notifications error messages are generated by IBM Connections:
Table 1. IBM Connections notifications error messages
Message Cause Solution CLFRR0002E: An error occurred when creating the channel handler for channel {1}. The channel handler class {0} could not be loaded. The channel handler class defined for the named notification channel defined in notification-config.xml cannot be loaded. The default handler classes for the event and email channels should not be modified unless directed by IBM Support. Validate that the notification-config.xml properties element contains a property with name corresponding to the channel specified in the message, that the value is a valid class and that the class is loadable. CLFRR0006E: Notification delivery failed as the channel handler for channel {0} could not be found. Check that the channel handler class is defined in notification-config.xml There is no channel handler class defined for the named notification channel defined in notification-config.xml The default handler classes for the event and email property should not be modified unless directed by IBM Support. Validate that the notification-config.xml properties element contains a property with name corresponding to the channel specified in the message, that the value is a valid class and that the class is loadable. CLFRR0007E: An error occurred during the initialization of the JavaMail session. Check that a JavaMail session with the JNDI name mail/notification is defined. The IBM WAS Mail Session object could not be looked up. Check the WAS configuration and define a mail session object if one is not defined, following instructions in the topic, Sending mail from a dedicated mail server. CLFRR0008E: An error occurred when delivering an email notification via SMTP. Notification will not be recieved by recipients. The configured SMTP server returned an error when an email was sent to it for delivery. Check the nested exception from the SMTP server for details about the exact error. Resolve the issue and try again. CLFRR0010E: The email configuration could not be loaded. The notification-config.xml file may be missing. Email delivery of notifications will fail. The email configuration could not be read from notification-config.xml. Check that there is a valid emailChannelConfig element defined in notification-config.xml that defines one of either: useJavaMailProvider or smtpJNDILookup CLFRR0011E: The notification has no sender defined and will not be sent. A notification was attempted to be sent, but no sender was specified and therefore no notification sent This is an abnormal situation. Contact IBM Support. CLFRR0012E: The notification has no recipients defined and will not be sent. A notification was attempted to be sent, but no recipients were specified and therefore no notification sent Check if the sender intended or expected to send this notification to specific recipients. CLFRR0013E: Could not connect to any of the available SMTP servers. Notification will not be recieved by recipients. None of the SMTP servers from a DNS MX record lookup could be contacted. Validate that the MX record lookup is correct and expected to return valid SMTP servers. This problem may be intermittent of due to a network issue. CLFRR0014E: An error occurred when obtaining the SMTP server list from the DNS lookup: {0}. No SMTP servers were found and notifications will not be sent. Please check that the DNS lookup is correct. No SMTP servers were returned from the specified DNS MX record lookup. Reconfigure notification-config.xml to use a DNS MX record lookup that will return at least one valid SMTP server and then restart the application. CLFRR0016E: An error occurred when trying to locate SMTP servers in DNS. Email delivery of notifications will fail. The lookup of DNS MX records could not be made. Validate that the DNS MX lookup URL defined in notification-config.xml is valid. If not, modify the URL and restart the application. CLFRR0017E: An error occurred during a search for MX records in the DNS lookup table. It is not possible to retrieve the MX records for the DNS lookup: {0}. Please check that the DNS lookup is correct. The lookup of DNS MX records did not return any MX records. Validate that the DNS MX lookup URL defined in notification-config.xml is valid. If not, modify the URL and restart the application. CLFRR0018E: The reply to email address: {0} could not be parsed. Notification will not be sent. The reply to address defined for the notification is not a valid email address according to RFC2882. The reply to address may be a user email obtained from the LDAP directory, or a sender address defined in notification-config.xml Identify the sender and validate that their email address is correct. CLFRR0019E: Could not locate any available SMTP servers. Notification will not be received by recipients. No SMTP servers were returned from the specified DNS MX record lookup. Reconfigure notification-config.xml to use a DNS MX record lookup that will return at least one valid SMTP server and then restart the application. CLFRR0021E: The notification has no body defined and will not be sent. An empty notification message was attempted to be sent. This is only possible if the template for an existing notification has been modified incorrectly. Validate that any template modifications are valid. CLFRR0022E: It is not possible send a null notification message. An empty notification message was attempted to be sent. This is only possible if the template for an existing notification has been modified incorrectly. Validate that any template modifications are valid. CLFRR0024E: The sender email address: {0} could not be parsed. Notification will not be sent. The sender address defined for the notification is not a valid email address according to RFC2882. The sender address may be a user email obtained from LDAP, or a sender address defined in notification-config.xml Identify the sender and validate that their email address is correct. CLFRR0027E: Error loading notification-config.xml file. Check that the file exists. The notification-config.xml file could not be loaded because the file was not found, or the contents of the file were not valid. Validate that a notification-config.xml file exists in the LotusConnections-config directory, and check that the contents of the file are valid according to the schema. The nested exception will contain more details. Fix the file and restart the application. CLFRR0029E: The handler configuration in notification-config.xml is invalid. Check the configuration. The contents of the handler element in notification-config.xml are not valid. Inspect the handler element and validate that the contents are correct according to the schema. Fix the file and restart the application. CLFRR0030E: An error occurred during email channel configuration. Please check the email channel configuration in notification-config.xml. Only one of useJavaMailProvider or smtpJNDILookupURL should be defined. The emailChannelConfig section of notification-config.xml is incorrectly defined. Check that only one of the useJavaMailProvider and smtpJNDILookupURL elements are defined. Fix the file and restart the application. CLFRR0031E: Error instantiating notification configuration provider {0} This is an internal error. Contact IBM support. CLFRR0032E: The template configuration in notification-config.xml is invalid. Check the configuration. The contents of the templates element in notification-config.xml are not valid. Inspect the templates element and validate that the contents are correct according to the schema. Fix the file and restart the application. CLFRR0033E: An error occurred during the loading of the configuration properties at {0} The properties element of notification-config.xml is not valid. It is likely that a defined property has a name but no value. Inspect the properties element and validate that the contents are correct according to the schema. Fix the file and restart the application. CLFRR0034E: An error occurred when retrieving the sender email address for the notification. Source: {0}, Type: {1}, Channel: {2} The notification-config.xml file does not contain a valid top-level config element. Inspect and fix the notification-config.xml then restart the application. CLFRR0035E: Error setting the authentication properties for the SMTP server. One of either <authentry> or the <user> and <password> elements should be specified. The smtpJNDILookup element in notification-config.xml contains both an authEntry as well as user and password elements. Either an authEntry element specifying a J2C Authentication Alias should be defined, or user and password elements should be defined, but not both. Fix the notification-config.xml file and restart the application. CLFRR0036E: Cannot find config variable directory {0}. The location of notification-config.xml is not valid when trying to load the file. Contact IBM Support. CLFRR0037E: Error setting the java mail properties An error was encountered when trying to read the contents of the javamail element in notification-config.xml. The nested exception will contain exact details of the error. Fix the javamail section in notification-config.xml and restart the application. CLFRR0038E: Error getting server URL for {0}. A URL for the named service could not be retrieved from LotusConnections-config.xml. Validate the service entry for the named service in LotusConnections-config.xml. Fix any issue and restart the application. CLFRR0039E: Error loading config variables from {0}. The notification-config.xml file could not be loaded because the file was not found at the location specified. Validate that a notification-config.xml file exists in the specified location. The nested exception will contain more details. Fix the file and restart the application. CLFRR0042E: Cannot find {0} for config variables. The notification-config.xml file could not be loaded because the file was not found at the location specified, or it is not a valid file. Validate that a notification-config.xml file exists in the specified location. The nested exception will contain more details. Fix the file and restart the application. CLFRR0043E: Invalid notification-config.xml file. Check the XML format and ensure that all required settings are complete. The notification-config.xml file does not pass schema validation. Check that any modifications to notification-config.xml do not violate the schema in notification-config.xsd. Use an XML parsing tool to validate the file. Fix the file and restart the application. CLFRR0046E: Either notifications are globally disabled, or notifications are disabled for the notification source: {0}. An attempt was made to send a notification when either notifications are globally disabled, or notifications for the application are disabled. If you believe that notifications should be enabled for this application, check notification-config.xml and ensure that the enabled attribute of the config element is true, and that the enabled attribute of the source element for the application is true. If either of these is false and you see this error message, then contact IBM Support as notifications should not be sent in this situation. CLFRR0047E: Could not retrieve the community group with id {0} and community name {1} The membership of the named community with the named ID could not be retrieved. Members of this community will likely not receive this notification. Check that the community exists and is valid. Also validate that the Community Directory Service extension is enabled in LotusConnections-config.xml. CLFRR0048E: Could not retrieve members for LDAP group: {0} The membership of the named LDAP group could not be retrieved. Members of this group will likely not receive this notification. Check that the LDAP group exists and is valid. Also validate that WAS Virtual Member Manager is correctly configured to retrieve group information from your LDAP server. CLFRR0049E: Could not retrieve the LDAP group with id: {0} and group name: {1} The LDAP group definition could not be retrieved. Members of this group will likely not receive this notification. Check that the LDAP group exists and is valid. Also validate that WAS Virtual Member Manager is correctly configured to retrieve group information from your LDAP server. CLFRR0051E: A group ID and name must be specified when sending a notification to a group. The correct information was not provided by the application calling the notification framework when attempting to send a notification to a group or community. Contact IBM Support. CLFRR0052E: The provided group named {0} is not a valid group type for notifications. The group must be a community or LDAP group. The correct information was not provided by the application calling the notification framework when attempting to send a notification to a group or community. Contact IBM Support. CLFRR0053E: The notification configuration could not be loaded at initialization. Check that notification-config.xml is valid. During initialization the notification-config.xml file could not be successfully read. Check the nested exception for precise details as to why the configuration file could not be read. Fix the issue and restart the application. CLFRR0054E: Notification sending failed for notification of type: {1} and source: {0}. No recipients received a notification. The sending of an email notification failed completely and no recipients have received a notification. Check the nested exception for precise details as to why the notification could not be sent. CLFRR0055E: Could not obtain the notification template URL for source {0}, type {1}, channel {3}. Check notification-config.xml to ensure that the correct URL is specified. The URL for the template for the defined notification source, type and channel could not be retrieved from notification-config.xml. Check that the named source, type and channel exist in notification-config.xml and that there is a property named “url†defined, or, if it is an XML template, a property named “file†is defined. Fix the file and restart the application. CLFRR0056E: The notification template URL: {0} could not be loaded. The specified URL could not be loaded. Check the nested exception for exact details. If loading over HTTPS, ensure that the signer certificate for the location being loaded from is imported into WAS. If using a reverse proxy solution, ensure that the template URL is unprotected. If the URL is a file system location, check that the file exists. CLFRR0058E: The notification template URL: {0} is invalid. The defined template URL is not a valid URL Check the configuration for the template in notification-config.xml and fix. Restart the application. CLFRR0059E: Failed to load content from URL {0}. Status code returned: {1} When loading the template URL an error response code was returned from the server. Inspect the HTTP return code to determine the type of failure. For instance, if the return code is a 404, validate that the URL is correct and try loading it manually from a browser. If the URL is incorrect, fix it in notification-config.xml and restart the application. If it is a 401 or 403, then the URL is protected. Check your authenticating reverse proxy configuration. CLFRR0060E: An error occurred during the creation of a MIME message. A MIME message could not be created from the contents of the email template. No email notification will be sent in this case. Check the nested exception for exact details of the error. If the template has been customized then fix the template. Otherwise, contact IBM Support. CLFRR0061E: Notification sending partially failed for notification of type: {1} and source: {0}. Some recipients received a notification. The sending of an email notification partially failed. Not every recipient was sent the notification. Check the nested exception for precise details as to why the notification could not be sent to some recipients. CLFRR0062E: The template for the notification source {0} and type {1} caused an error whilst being applied to the notification. Check the nested exception for more details. The email notification could not be sent due to an error when processing the notification template. No recipients will receive a notification. Check the nested exception for exact details of why the template processing failed. Resolve the issue highlighted and try again. CLFRR0065E: Failed to send a notification for notification source {0} and type {1} using any configured channels. No notifications will be received. The notification could not be delivered through any configured channel. Check the channels configured for the notification source and type and inspect related exception information to determine the cause of the failure to send. CLFRR0066E: Could not obtain list of configured channels for notification source {0} and type {1}. Check nested exception for more information. The configured channels for the named source and type could not be loaded from notification-config.xml. Check the channel configuration for the defined source and type in notification-config.xml. Check the nested exception for exact details of the error. CLFRR0069W: Notification sending for source {0} and type {1} did not succesfully send to all channels. The following channels were successful: {2}. The following channels were partially successful: {3} The notification was not successfully sent to all configured channels. For example, the notification may be received via email, but not sent as an event and therefore not show on Home Page. This is a warning message. Identify the channel that failed completely from the message and check its configuration. CLFRR0070W: Notification sending for source {0} and type {1} did not succesfully send to any channel. The following channels failed completely: {2}. The following channels were partially successful: {3} The notification was not successfully send to any configured channel, but at least one channel was partially successful. This is a warning message. Identify the channel that failed partially from the message and check its configuration. CLFRR0071E: The alwaysUseGlobalSender property is configured to true in notification-config.xml but no corresponding globalSenderEmailAddress property is configured. Sender addresses will not be overridden. Check notification-config.xml. The alwaysUseGlobalSender option is configured to true in notification-config.xml. However, this requires the globalSenderEmailAddress property to also be specified and it is not. Update notification-config.xml to specify the globalSenderEmailAddress property and restart the application. CLFRR0072E: The notification-config.xml file could not be read to obtain email address override properties. If email address override is enabled it will not be functional. Check notification-config.xml for errors. When checking to see if all emails should be sent using a single global sender address, the runtime could not read the notification-config.xml file. Check that notification-config.xml exists and is valid. CLFRR0073E: An error occurred when sending an event to represent a direct notification. Check the nested exception for more details. An event could not be generated for the notification. The notification will not be sent to the News component and recipients will not receive a Home Page notification or email. Check the nested exception for more details and resolve any issue. Alternatively, contact IBM support. CLFRR0074E: the argument {0} is not valid. This is an internal error. Contact IBM support. CLFRR0075E: The size unit {0} is not valid. It should be one of these, b, kb, mb, gb. This is an internal error. Contact IBM support. CLFRR0076E: Data Model is missing in enviroment. This is an internal error. Contact IBM support. CLFRR0077E: The value of resource bundle name {0} is invalid. The bundleName property value of an FTL type notification template is incorrect. Find the given value in notification-config.xml. If the value has been changed for customization, check the value. Otherwise contact IBM support. CLFRR0078E: Could not render template {0}. Please check log for details. The named FTL type notification template could not be rendered. This is most likely if the template has been customized. Check any customizations, or revert to the original template. Otherwise contact IBM support. CLFRR0079E: The value of resource bundle path {0} is invalid. The bundlePath property value of an FTL type notification template is incorrect. Find the given value in notification-config.xml. If the value has been changed for customization, check the value. Otherwise contact IBM support. CLFRR0081E: The version of notification-config.xml is {0} and in not valid for this release. The version of notification-config.xml does not match the release of the product. The schema and contents of configuration files may change between releases. If migrating from a previous release, ensure that you have followed all migration steps. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact IBM support. CLFRR0082E: Could not read properties from notification-config.xml. Check configuration file. Notification templates may work in an unexpected way. A set of template properties could not be read. Check notification-config.xml and ensure that all template properties sections are valid.
Parent topic
Error codes
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