Get a person's message board entries 

Get a feed that lists all of the entries posted to a person's message board, including the board owner's status message, the messages posted by other people, and some of the comments associated with the messages.

See Authenticating requests for information about how to authenticate the request.

Table 1. Atom API request details

Resource Description
/atom/mv/theboard/ Gets a feed that lists all of the entries in a person's message board. Provide one of the following parameters to specify the owner of the message board that you want to retrieve information about:

  • email

  • userid

Use one or more of the input parameters to narrow the search. Separate multiple parameters with an ampersand (&).

Note: All search parameters support the use of the wildcards % or *. Use % to match any single character; encode it properly using %25. Use * to match zero or more characters.

Table 2. Input parameters

Parameter Description
comments Specifies whether or not to include the comments associated with each message. The options are:

  • all: Includes the first, second-to-last, and last comment associated with an entry. The comments are represented as top-level entries. For example:

        <entry *a comment*>

  • inline: Includes the first, second-to-last, and last comment associated with an entry. The comments are represented as entries within a comments element. For example:

            <entry *a comment*>

  • none: Includes none of the comments

email Internet email address of the person who owns the message board that you want to retrieve information about.

Format the HTTP request using the proper URL encoding. For example, the encoded form of the @ symbol is %40 as in:

Note: Provide either this parameter or the userid parameter. Do not provide this parameter if IBM Connections is configured to prevent email addresses from being displayed. It will return an error code. Use the key or userid parameters instead.

messageTypes Specifies the type of messages you want to return in the feed. The options are:

  • status

  • simpleEntry

You can specify more than one option; separate multiple message types with a comma. By default, all message types are included.

ps Page size. Specifies the number of entries to return per page.
sortBy Defines the order in which to display the entries in the returned feed. The option are:

  • lastMod: Sorts the status messages by the date on which they were last modified.

  • published: Sorts the status messages by the date on which they were published.

Use with the sortOrder parameter to specify whether to show the most recent or the oldest entries first.

sortOrder Specifies the order in which to list the feed entries. The options are:

  • asc: Displays the entries in ascending order.

  • desc: Displays the entries in descending order.

userid Unique ID that represents a specific person. The user ID is stored in the div element that has the x-lconn-userid class attribute.

Note: Provide either this parameter or the email parameter.

  <generator version="3.0" uri="">
   IBM Connections - Profiles
  <title type="text">The Board for Amy Jones5</title>
    <title type="text">hello amy</title>
      <name>Amy Jones5</name>
      <name>Amy Jones5</name>
    <summary type="text">hello amy</summary>
    <content type="text">hello amy</content>

Parent topic

Getting Profiles feeds

Related reference
Retrieve messages from a message board
Message content
Profiles comment content
Status content





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