Get a list of community file comments that require action 

Get a feed that lists the community file comments that are awaiting action by the moderator.

The user authenticating the request must be a global-moderator of the Files application.

Table 1. Atom API request details

Resource Description
From the moderation service document, find the comments-moderation workspace. Use the web address in the href attribute of the <collection> element that contains the <category term="approval-content" ... /> element. A feed that lists the comments that are awaiting action.

You can use one or more of the input parameters to limit the number of entries returned in the feed. Separate multiple parameters with an ampersand (&).

Table 2. Input parameters

Parameter Description
community Unique ID of a community. Limits the entries returned to include only those that are part of the specified community's file collection.
page Page number. Specifies the page to be returned. The first page is page 1.
ps Page size. Specifies the number of entries to return per page. The default is 10.
sortBy Specifies what value to use as the basis for organizing the entries returned in the feed. The only option is date.
sortOrder Specifies the order in which to list the feed entries. The options are:

    Displays the entries in ascending order.


    Displays the entries in descending order.

status Limits the number of entries returned to include only those having the specified status. The options are as follows:

  • pending

      Note: This is the default option.

  • rejected


An Atom feed containing the comments that are awaiting moderator action.

Parent topic

Work with community file comments that are awaiting approval





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