File version content
Lists the elements in the Atom entry document of a file version.All elements are in the namespace, except those that are prefixed as follows:
In the namespace.
In the namespace.
Table 1. Version elements
Element How treated on input Description <id> Ignored Unique identifier of a version formatted following the URN specification. <td:uuid> Ignored Unique identifier of a resource not formatted as an IRI. Provide this value as the {version-id} when constructing the URL from which to retrieve the version. This ID is created by the server when you post a version. <title> Optional Title of the version. Maximum length=252. <category scheme=",2006:td/type" term="version" label="version"/> Ignored Identifies a version Atom entry. <content> Ignored Location of the primary file content, as defined in the Atom specification. <summary type="text" /> Optional Description of the resource, as defined in the Atom specification. Maximum length=1024. <td:documentUuid> Ignored Unique ID of the document of which this is a version. <td:versionLabel> Ignored Version label. <td:created> Ignored The date that the resource was created, as defined in the Atom specification. <td:modified> Ignored The date that the resource was last updated, as defined in the Atom specification. <updated> Ignored Last significant modified date as managed by the server, per the Atom specification. <td:modifier> Ignored The person who last modified the version. <author> Ignored The person who created the version.
Parent topic
Files Atom entry typesRelated reference
Create a version
Retrieve a version of a file
Downloading a version of a file
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