File attachment content 

Lists the elements in the Atom entry document of a file attachment.

All elements are in the namespace, except those that are prefixed as follows:



Table 1. File attachment elements

Element How treated on input Description
<id> Ignored Unique identifier of a resource formatted following the URN specification.
<td:uuid> Ignored Unique identifier of a file attachment. Provide this value as the {attachment-id} when constructing the resource from which to retrieve a file attachment and its metadata. This ID is created by the server when you post a file attachment.
<title type="text"> Ignored Title of the file attachment in text format. Not used.
<td:label> Ignored A short text label used to identify the file attachment in API operation resource addresses. The server assigns a label if one is not provided.
<category scheme=",2006:td/type" term="attachment" label="attachment"/> Ignored Identifies an attachment Atom entry.
<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="alternate_url"> Ignored A link to the attachment within the Files web application. Operations supported on the value of the href attribute:

<link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href="self_url"> Ignored Use the web address in the href attribute to obtain an Atom entry document containing a complete Atom representation of this file attachment. The following operation is supported:

  • GET: Use the web address to obtain metadata information of the file attachment as an Atom entry document.

<link rel="edit" type="application/atom+xml" href="edit_url"> Ignored Use the web address in the href attribute to get an Atom entry document containing a complete representation of this file attachment. If you are an owner of the attachment, the following operations are supported:

  • GET: Use the web address to obtain a full representation of the file attachment as an Atom entry document.

  • PUT: Use the web address to update this file attachment.

  • DELETE: Use the web address to delete this file attachment.

<link rel="edit-media" href="edit-media-url"> Ignored Use the web address in the href attribute to obtain the attachment's media. If you are an owner, the following operations are supported:

  • GET: Use the web address to obtain the media.

  • PUT: Use the web address to update the media.

<content type="<mime_type_of_attachment>" src="src_url"> Ignored Provides access the attachment's media. The following operation is supported:

  • GET: Use the web address to obtain the media.

<td:modified> Optional The date that the binary data of the file attachment was last updated, as defined in the Atom specification. Most of the views in the user interface use this value to sort the view content by default.
<updated> Ignored The date that the metadata of the file attachment was last updated, as defined in the Atom specification.
<published> Ignored The date this file attachment was initially published, as defined in the Atom specification.
<td:modifier> Optional The person who last modified the file attachment.
<author> Ignored The person who created the file attachment. This is often the collection owner, but can also be an administrator.

Parent topic

Files Atom entry types

Related reference
Add a file attachment
Retrieve a file attachment
Downloading a file attachment
Delete a file attachment
Update a file attachment





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