ConfigEngine properties
The ConfigEngine properties in the file are used during the export/import operation.Production deployments often use more than one shared content store to avoid issues when all the applications are trying to read or write to the same attached device. In the event that you need to change the values of IBM WAS environment variables to match your deployment, update the properties in the IBM Connections configuration engine at the same time to ensure that the utility for exporting and importing functions correctly.
IBM Connections uses WAS environment variables at runtime, but during the export/import operation, the utility uses the file. The file is located in the following directory: <LC_install_dir>/ConfigEngine/properties/
Table 1. ConfigEngine properties
WebSphere environment variables ConfigEngine Properties ACTIVITIES_CONTENT_DIR ACTIVITIES_STATS_DIR AUDIT_FILE_ROOT_DIR news.auditFileDir BLOGS_CONTENT_DIR blogs.UploadDirectory COMMUNITIES_STATS_DIR communities.StatisticDirectory CONNECTIONS_CUSTOMIZATION_PATH connections.CustomizationDirectory DOGEAR_FAVICON_DIR dogear.UploadDirectory FILES_CONTENT_DIR files.UploadDirectory FILE_CONTENT_CONVERSION search.StellentDirectory FORUM_CONTENT_DIR forum.UploadDirectory PROFILES_STATS_DIR SEARCH_DICTIONARY_DIR search.DictionaryDirectory WIKIS_CONTENT_DIR wikis.UploadDirectory
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WAS environment variables