Change configuration settings for Bookmarks 

You can make changes to configuration settings to customize Bookmarks for your deployment.

Before starting

To change configuration settings, use the wsadmin client. See Starting the wsadmin client for details.

About this task

You can change configuration settings to configure a Bookmarks server. The configuration scripts described here use the implicit AdminConfig object available in wsadmin to interact with the Bookmarks configuration repository. Any configuration change requires a restart of the related Bookmarks cluster. To change settings:


  1. Open a command window and start the wsadmin command window. See the topic, Starting the wsadmin client, for details on starting the wsadmin client.

  2. After the wsadmin command environment has initialized, run the following command to initialize the Bookmarks environment and start the Bookmarks script interpreter:

      Note: This command should print something similar to the following messages 
       in the wsadmin console window.
      Connecting to WebSphere:name=DogearTaskService,cell=TestServerNode01Cell,
      Connecting to WebSphere:name=DogearLinkService,cell=TestServerNode01Cell,
      Connecting to WebSphere:name=DogearPersonService,cell=TestServerNode01Cell,
      Connecting to WebSphere:name=DogearUrlService,cell=TestServerNode01Cell,
      Bookmarks MBeans initialized
      Bookmarks Configuration Environment initialized

  3. Check out the configuration file with the following command:

      DogearCellConfig.checkOutConfig( [working_dir],  [cellName])


      • [working_dir] is a temporary directory to checkout the cell level configuration file. This directory must already exist on the server where you are running wsadmin.

      • [cellName] = The name of the cell that the dogear node belongs to. (Name is case-sensitive.)

      Example Usage:

      DogearCellConfig.checkOutConfig('d:/dogear_temp', 'DogearServerNode01Cell')

      This command should print out this message: Bookmarks Cell Level configuration file successfully checked out.

  4. To list the current values for all configuration settings, enter the following command:

      dogear_cell configuration properties:
      activeContentFilter.enabled = true
      fullTextIndex.defaultSearchOperator = OR
      iconService.favIcon.max.age = 90
      iconService.favIcon.max.size = 6
      privateIntranetAllocationTable from to
      privateIntranetAllocationTable from to
      privateIntranetAllocationTable from to
      privateIntranetAllocationTable from to 3.303.0.3
      privateIntranetAllocationTable from to 4.404.0.4
      linkThresholds.maxInclude.popularLinks = 2000
      linkThresholds.sinceWhen.inboxLinks = 20
      linkThresholds.sinceWhen.popularLinks = 30
      personThresholds.maxInclude.activePerson = 1500
      personThresholds.minCount.activePerson = 5
      personThresholds.sinceWhen.activePerson = 30
      tagThresholds.maxInclude.activeTags = 4000
      tagThresholds.minCount.activeTags = 5
      tagThresholds.sinceWhen.activeTags = 30

  5. To update configuration properties enter the appropriate key into the following command:

      DogearCellConfig.updateConfig(‘ [key]', ‘ [value]')
       [key] is a valid cell-level configuration setting
       [value] is the new value for the setting.

      The following lists the Bookmarks Cell "key" settings that can be changed, along with an explanation of what those keys are.

      Option Description
      activeContentFilter.enabled Boolean. true/false.

      Enables/disables the active content filter for the Rich Text descriptions on bookmarks. The default value is "true" and can be set to "false" if you wish not to filter active content.

      Note: Disabling the active content filter is not recommended as it will allow end users to create Rich Text Descriptions with malicious scripts that might be executed when other users visit Bookmarks.

      fullTextIndex.defaultSearchOperator String. AND/OR.

      Determines the default operator used when a user performs a full text search with spaces in the input string.

      Default value is OR. OR will result in queries returning results that have any of the search terms.

      AND will result in queries returning results that have all of the search terms.

      Both approaches are relevance ranked where the best matches are listed at the top of results.

      iconService.favIcon.max.age Integer.

      Small (fav) icons are displayed to end users next to each bookmark. Bookmarks downloads and caches these icons from the hosts servers for each URL. This setting determines length of time (in days) an icon remains cached locally before an updated copy is retrieved.

      Default is 90 days.

      iconService.favIcon.max.size Integer.

      Small (fav) icons are displayed to end users next to each bookmark. Bookmarks downloads and caches these icons from the hosts servers for each URL. This setting provides a cap (in KB) on the size of the cached icon to control image file size. The default is 6 KB.

      linkThresholds.sinceWhen.popularLinks Integer.

      Determines the age (in days) a link may be to get included in the popular link algorithm. This value is used in conjunction with the other popular link settings to determine what bookmarks are included on the "Popular" bookmarks tab. Smaller values result in better performance. The default is 30 days.

      linkThresholds.maxInclude.popularLinks Integer.

      Provides a maximum number of links that will get included in the popular link algorithm. If there are more links that are eligible to be included based on the other settings, the algorithm will take the most recent links that fall within this cap. This is to ensure consistent performance over peak times. The default value is 2000 links.

      linkThresholds.sinceWhen.inboxLinks Integer.

      Determines age (in days) a link may be to get included in a user's watchlist. Smaller values will result in better performance. The default is 20 days.

      tagThresholds.sinceWhen.activeTags Integer.

      Determines age (in days) a link may be to have its tags included in the Active Tag cloud shown on the All and Popular bookmark views. This value is used in conjunction with the other active tag threshold settings to determine what is included in the tag cloud. Smaller values will result in better performance. The default is 30 days.

      tagThresholds.minCount.activeTags Integer.

      Provides a minimum number of occurrences for a tag within the active time window for it to show in the Active Tag cloud. Tags that occur less than this threshold within the active time window will not show in the Active Tag cloud on the All and Popular bookmark views. This value is used in conjunction with the other active tag threshold settings to determine what is included in the tag cloud. The default is 5 tags.

      tagThresholds.maxInclude.activeTags Integer.

      Provides a maximum number of tags that will get included in the active tag algorithm. If there are more tags that are eligible to be included in this calculation based on the other settings, the algorithm will take the most recent tags that fall within this cap. This is to ensure consistent performance over peak times. The default value is 4000 tags.

      personThresholds.sinceWhen.activePerson Integer.

      Determines age (in days) a bookmark may be to have the associated person included in the active person list on the All and Popular bookmark views. This value is used in conjunction with the other active person threshold settings to determine who is included in the active person list. Smaller values will result in better performance. The default is 30 days.

      personThresholds.minCount.activePerson Integer.

      Provides a minimum number of bookmarks a user must have within the active time window to be considered for the active person list. People that have less bookmarks than this threshold will not be included in the list on the All and Popular bookmark views. This value is used in conjunction with the other active person threshold settings to determine who is included in the active person list. The default is 5 bookmarks.

      personThresholds.maxInclude.activePerson Integer.

      Provides a maximum number of bookmarks (and the associated people) that are included in the active person list algorithm. If more entries are eligible to be included in this calculation based on the other settings, the algorithm will take the people associated with the most recent links that fall within this cap. This is to ensure consistent performance over peak times. The default value is 1500 bookmarks.

  6. IP ranges are used to identify bookmarks located on your corporate intranet. As you expand or change your intranet topology, use these settings to incorporate changes into Bookmarks:

      If the Administrator has previously configured an "IntranetAllocation.ipRange", when the Administrator does the "DogearCellConfig.showConfig()" command, one or more "IntranetAllocation.ipRange" will appear. For example:

      privateIntranetAllocationTable from to
      privateIntranetAllocationTable from to
      privateIntranetAllocationTable from to
      privateIntranetAllocationTable from to 3.303.0.3
      privateIntranetAllocationTable from to 4.404.0.4

      This represents the various IP ranges of web sites in the corporate intranet. This setting is used to determine if a site is internal or external. Internal sites are represented by an intranet favicon.

      You might need to update this value after initially installing Bookmarks with no IP ranges or if you want to add a range post-install. This might be the case due to a corporate merger or acquisitions that result in added or deleted IP ranges. Note: Any change to IP ranges will require an update to the intranet settings of bookmarks in the database. See help about recalculating or reprocessing intranet ranges in the Administrative help topic "Using administrative commands."

      The following commands allow the administrator to either Add or Remove ipRanges.

      Option Description
      DogearCellConfig.addIpRange'(intranetAllocation.ipRange', ['from_range'], ['to_range']) Strings. This command will add an additional IP Range.

      [from_range] = the starting IP address of this range

      [to_range] = the ending IP address of this range


         '' , '')

      DogearCellConfig.removeIpRange('intranetAllocation.ipRange', '[from_range]', '[to_range]') Strings. This command will delete an existing IP Range.

      [from_range] = the starting IP address of this range

      [to_range] = the ending IP address of this range


         '' , '')

      DogearCellConfig.clearIpRanges('intranetAllocation.ipRange') String.

      Clears all IP ranges recorded in the configuration settings



  7. To check in the configuration file enter this command:

      # This command should print out the following: 
      Using configuration arguments :
              workingDirectory: d:/dogear_temp
              cellName: cellName
              nodeName: None
             serverName: None
      Loading schema file for validation: d:/dogear-temp/dogear-config-cell.xsd
      d:/dogear-temp/dogear-config-cell.xml is valid
      Bookmarks cell level configuration file successfully checked in

Related tasks
Starting the wsadmin client
Apply common configuration property changes





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