Welcome to Activities
What's new in Activities?
Frequently asked questions in Activities
What is an activity?
Opening an activity
Starting an activity
Finding activities
What does a text search return in Activities?
Search activities
Find a person's activities or entries
Filtering activities and entries by tag
Subscribing to a feed
Follow activities
Working with activities
Getting a list of to-do items
Exiting an activity
Printing from an activity
Managing activities
Organizing activities by importance
Tuning out of an activity
Managing activities that you own
Add members to a standard activity
Add members to a community activity
Edit an activity
Marking an activity complete
Delete an activity
Edit activity tags
Using activity templates
What is an activity template?
Create an activity template from scratch
Create a template from an activity
Marking activity templates as favorites
Create an activity from a template
Managing activity templates that you own
Delete activity templates
Edit activity templates
| Contributing to an activity
You must be an author or owner to contribute to an activity
What is an entry?
How do I add an entry?
Add a to-do entry
Add a comment
Add a bookmark to an activity
Add sections
Add a response to an entry
Create entry templates
Add a custom entry
Add a link to a related activity
Working with entries as a reader
Notifying members about an entry
Getting the web address of an individual entry
Working with entries as an author
What is an entry template?
Copying an entry
Publishing attachments to Lotus Quickr
Managing entries
Only activity owners and the author of the entry can manage an entry.
Moving an entry
Marking an entry private
Delete an entry
Edit entry templates
Edit activity tags
Managing sections
Only the creator of the section can manage a section.
Moving and renaming sections
Membership roles