

Add a response to an entry

You can add a response to an entry in an activity to comment on a topic, make an announcement, ask a question, provide feedback on an existing entry, share a file, or share a Web address with the team.

To add an entry, open an activity, and then complete the following actions:

  1. From the entry to which you want to create a reply, click Add Comment.

    If you cannot see the Add Comment link, then your view may be collapsed. Click the entry title to expand the entry.

  2. In the Comment field, add your response. You can use the toolbar buttons to format the added text.

  3. You can add more content to the entry by clicking the following links:

      Attach File

      Adds a file to the entry. Click the Browse button beside the File name field to locate the file.

      Add Bookmark

      Adds a Web address to the entry. Enter the title of the Web page in the Bookmark title field, and then add the Web address to the field that begins with http://.

    You can add as many file or bookmark fields as you want. You can change the default field labels to names that make more sense to you and other members. Click a field label to edit it.

    To remove a field that you added, click the X beside the field to delete it.

  4. To hide the response from other members, select Mark this entry private.

  5. To notify activity members about the response...

    1. Select Notify people of this entry.

    2. Do one of the following:

      • To notify everyone, select All members of this activity.

        This option is not available from a community activity.

      • To notify a subset of people, select the boxes next to the names of individual members that you want to notify. To find people, scroll through the alphabetical list of names or type a person's name into the Type to filter this list box. In community activities, if the activity has more than 500 members, you can click Next to see additional names.

        The filter searches the names on the current page only. If there are multiple pages, click Next until you get to a page with names in the same alphabetical range as the name you are looking for, and then type the name into the filter box.

    3. To add a comment that is displayed in the notification that is sent to the members, add it to the Notify Message field.

  6. Click Save to finish adding the response.

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