Uninstall the Lotus Quickr connector from a console
You can uninstall the IBM Lotus Connections Connector for Lotus Quickrâ„¢ from your system using a non-graphical console interface.
The console interface displays the same options as the graphical uninstallation wizard, except in text form.
- To launch the program for uninstalling the Lotus Quickr connector from the console interface, do one of the following:
- Microsoft Windows
Enter the following command from the root of the Lotus Quickr connector setup directory:
uninstaller.exe -console
- Linux
- Open a command prompt and change to the Lotus Quickr connector setup directory:
- Enter the following command:
./uninstaller.bin -console
- Open a command prompt and change to the Lotus Quickr connector setup directory:
- Enter the following command:
./uninstaller.bin -console
- Navigate through the wizard by selecting the required options and pressing Enter.
- When you are finished, enter
0and press Enter.
Uninstall the Lotus Connections Connector for Lotus Quickr
Related tasks
Install the Lotus Quickr connector from a console
Related reference
Accessibility features for installing Lotus Connections