

Performing a quick search

Use the search control at the top of any page in Profiles for quick searches.

A quick search searches against a single field in the profiles

To run a quick search...

  1. Click the down arrow next to the Search field in the navigation bar and select one of the following options:

    Profiles search options

    Option Select this option to
    Profiles by Name Find someone by searching for their name. Enter a given name followed by a family name. Type-ahead suggests names as you type. If you see the name that you are looking for, click it to navigate directly to that person's profile.

    This option is the default search setting.

    Profiles by Keyword Search for someone based on a keyword. This searches profiles and all of the associated content, for example, the work experience and background information in a profile.

  2. Enter a word to search for in the text field. Use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character.

  3. Click Search.

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