

Change your profile image

Upload an up-to-date photo for your profile from the Edit My Profile page.

You can enhance your profile by updating your image from time to time. Be sure to upload a business-appropriate image. To update your profile image, perform the following steps:

  1. From the Edit My Profile page, click Photo.

  2. To edit your profile image, do one of the following:

    • To remove the existing photo, select Remove image.

    • To upload a new image:

      1. Click Browse to locate a .jpeg or .gif file containing a picture of you to display in your profile.

        There are no file size restrictions. However, because the image is automatically resized on the Profiles server to fit the allocated space in the user interface, note that the larger the file you upload, the longer the time the server takes to process the image.

      2. Select the image file that you want to display, then click Open.

      3. Click Update to save your changes.

    • To preview an image:

      1. Click Browse to locate the .jpeg or .gif file that you want to preview, then click Open.

        There are no file size restrictions. However, because the image is virus-scanned and resized by the Profiles server for previewing, know that the larger the file you select, the longer the time the server takes to preview the image.

      2. Click Preview Image to view the image as it will display on your profile page.

      3. Click inside the selection box and drag it to select the section of the image that you want to display in your profile. You can drag the edge of the selection box to resize it, if you want to modify the size of the selection area.

      4. Click Update to save your changes.

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