

Scheduling Activities jobs

If you are installing Activities in a network deployment, configure Activities to run a subset of its jobs on a dedicated node.

This procedure is required if you are installing Activities in a network deployment.

Activities uses the open source Quartz scheduler. When you install in a network deployment, the following jobs must be scheduled to run on a dedicated node; otherwise Quartz will lose the JDBC connection to the database when it attempts to run them:

For more information about the Quartz scheduler, go to the following external Web site:

http://www.opensymphony.com/quartz To schedule the Activities jobs to run on a dedicated node...

  1. Use wsadmin to access and check out the Activities configuration files.

    1. Access the Activities configuration file:

    2. Network deployment:


      If prompted to specify which server to connect to, type the number associated with the server representing the node that you want to change. For example, in a cluster with two nodes, the following might be displayed:

        1: WebSphere:cell=tdilx104Cell01,name=ActivityService,node=tdilx103,
         process=server1 2: WebSphere:cell=tdilx104Cell01,name=ActivityService,node=tdilx104Node01,
         process=server1 Which service do you want to connect to?

      If you want to make the change to the tdilx103 node, enter 1.

    3. Check out the Activities configuration files...



      • /<working_directory> is the temporary working directory to which the configuration XML and XSD files are copied. The files are kept in this working while you make changes to them.

      • cell_name is the name of the WebSphere Application Server cell hosting the Lotus Connections feature. This argument is required even in stand-alone deployments. This argument is also case-sensitive, so type it with care. If you do not know the cell name, do one of the following to determine it:

        • Stand-alone deployment: From the file system...


      • Network deployment: From wsadmin...

          print AdminControl.getCell()

      For example:

        ActivitiesConfigService.checkOutConfig("/temp", "foo01Cell01")

  2. Run the following commands to specify a specific server on which to run each job:

       "cell_name\<node_name>\server_name") ActivitiesConfigService.updateConfig("jobs.DatabaseRuntimeStats.scheduler", 
       "cell_name\<node_name>\server_name") ActivitiesConfigService.updateConfig("jobs.TrashAutoPurge.scheduler", 

    where cell_name\<node_name>\server_name is the dedicated node on which you want the job to run. For example:


    On Linux, specify the server using the syntax: cell_name/<node_name>/server_name

  3. Disable the cluster scheduler by running the following command:


  4. After making changes, check the file back in, and do so during the same wsadmin session in which you checked it out for the changes to take effect. To do so...

    1. Check in the changed configuration property keys using the following wsadmin client command:


    2. Clear the existing jobs from memory and from the database...


  5. To exit wsadmin, type exit at the prompt.

  6. Synchronize your changes to the other nodes of the cluster.

  7. Stop and restart the server or servers hosting the Activities feature.

Performing feature-specific tasks


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