How do I track file changes?
You can track changes to lists of files by subscribing to an Atom feed of the list. You can also be notified by e-mail of edits or comments on a particular file.
There are a couple of ways you can be automatically notified about a file. When someone shares a file with you, you are e-mailed with a Subscribe to this file link. Also, you are e-mailed about changes to a file after you download it, but this feature can be disabled by your administrator.
Do any of the following:
Option Description To subscribe to a list of files or collections
Open the list and at the bottom of the page click Feed for this page. When you subscribe to a list you receive an Atom feed, so have a feed reader on your computer that supports Atom feeds. When the list changes, your feed is updated.
To get e-mail when a file has been edited or commented on
Open the file page and click More actions > Set e-mail notifications. Then select I want to receive an e-mail when this file changes to be notified of edits, or I want to receive an e-mail when new comments are made on this file.
To see information about a file
Open the file page and click the About this File tab at the bottom of the page. You can see when the files was added and last updated; how large it is; and how many times a file has been downloaded, and how many of those downloads were anonymous users. You can also see which users (not anonymous) downloaded the file.
Files overviews, how-tos, and FAQs