

Define a SIBus link on a feature server

After defining the foreign buses, create the SIBus link that handles the communication between the buses. This needs to be completed on both sides – the News repository server side and the feature server side. Start by creating the link on the feature server.

To create a SIBus link on a feature server...

  1. Log in to the WAS admin console for the server on which you are going to define the SIBus link.

  2. Select...

      Service Integration | Buses | feature_bus | Topology | Messaging Engines | messaging_engine | Additional Properties | Service integration bus links | New

  3. Enter a unique name for the link. Define it as the name of the feature and News repository servers using the following format:


    For example:


  4. Select the name of the foreign bus representing the News repository server from the Foreign bus name drop-down list. For example:


  5. Enter the name of the messaging engine on the News repository server

  6. Enter...


    in the Target inbound transport chain field.

  7. In the Bootstrap endpoints field, specify...

      <hostname>:<SIB endpoint port>:BootstrapSecureMessaging

    ...where <hostname> and <SIB endpoint port> are the values for the news repository server that you recorded in the Preparing to create bus links topic.For example:


  8. Under Authentication Alias, select connectionsAdmin.

  9. Click OK.

  10. Save your changes to the master configuration.

Previous topic:

Define a foreign bus on the News repository server

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Define a SIBus link on the News repository server


Related tasks

Linking buses on different servers
Prepare to create bus links


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