Joining communities
Join a community that is devoted to a subject that you are interested in and start participating.
To find a community that you want to join, you can browse all the communities in the organization or search for a community that is devoted to a particular subject.
To join a community...
- From the Public Communities tab, select the community that you want to join.
- Depending on the level of access that the community has, do one of the following:
- If the community has open access, click Join this Community.
- If the community has moderated access, click Request to Join this Community. Type your reason for wanting to join the community and click Send. Your request is sent to the community owner, who can then decide whether or not to add you to the community. If they add you as a member, you receive an e-mail notification confirming that you have been added to the community.
- If you are not already logged in, you are prompted for a user name and password. Provide the requested information, and then click Log In.
After your membership of a community is approved, the community displays in the My Communities tab.
Communities overviews, how-tos, and FAQs