

Working with search results

Use the options available for filtering your search results to find the information that interests you most.

When you search the content within a community, the results are returned to you in a tabbed view, with each tab corresponding to a feature in the community. The order of the tabs corresponds to the order in which the features are displayed in the community. This means that if you have prioritized a certain feature by placing it at the top of the community page, the search results for that feature are also prioritized in the search results tabbed view.

To review your search results...

  1. Click the title of one of the results to open it and review it in more detail.

  2. Click a tab to display the results from a specific feature. For example, if your community has a blog and you're particularly interested in finding relevant blog entries, click Blog to display the results from the community blog.

  3. Use the Tags search control to search the results for specific tags or keywords. Click a tag in the tag cloud to display only content tagged with the selected tag. Use the slider to adjust the size of the tag cloud.

  4. View the people associated with the search results in the People area. Click a name to display the results associated with a specific person.

If there are too many results, you can search again. To search on a single keyword, enter a search term into the You searched for field and click Search Again.

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