

Add an image to a blog posting

Enhance your blog postings with image files.

You can add images from your local file system or from Web pages to enhance your blog postings.

  1. Create or edit a blog entry.

  2. Insert your cursor in the Entry field where you want the image to appear.

  3. Click the image icon from the editor toolbar.

  4. Do one of the following:

    • Browse for a filename to add an image file from your local file system.

    • Choose an image file you uploaded. If you have organized your uploaded image file in multiple directories you can browse the directories to find the file you want.

    • Enter a URL for an image file on a Web page.

  5. Choose layout options to size and position the image.

  6. Click Insert to add the image to the blog posting.

  7. Preview your posting or post it to the blog to see the image.

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