Finding a blog or blog entry
You can use a variety of methods such as browsing or searching for finding a blog or blog entry to view.
The Blogs Home page lists all of the blogs for your organization. Use one of these methods to find a blog or blog entry. Note that in addition to searching or browsing for blogs or blog entries, you can also sort the views by sort criteria such as date, visits, or recommendations.
Browse for a blog as follows:
- Click Public Blogs in the navigation pane to see all of the blogs for your organization.
- Featured Blogs are a sampling of blogs that have had activity over the last two weeks.
- The Most Recommended list displays blogs with the most recommendations for its entries.
- The Most Visited list displays the blogs that have had the greatest number of hits over the past two weeks.
- The Most Commented list displays the blogs with the most comments.
- If you click on a blog to view it, the Similar Blogs section shows blogs that share common tags.
- Click a tag in the tag cloud to see blog entries associated with that tag, then click on the blog name from the entry to open the blog.
- Search for a blog. You can change the search scope to search for blogs by name, description, or tags.
Browse for a blog entry as follows:
- Click Latest Blog Entries in the navigation pane to see the most recent entries.
- Click on a tag in the tag cloud to see all blog entries associated with a particular tag.
- Search for a blog entry. You can change the search scope to search for blog entries by author or tags.
- Click an entry from the Featured Blog Entries section of the Blogs home page. Featured entries are a sampling of entries posted in the past two weeks.
- Click a blog entry someone has notified you about from your Notifications Received list on your My Updates page.
- The Most Recommended list displays the most recommended blog entries.
- The Most Visited list displays the blog entries that have had the greatest number of hits.
- The Most Commented list displays the blog entries with the most comments.
- Click the My Updates tab to see only entries you have authored.
Search for a blog or blog entry by entering a search term in the Search box and choosing the scope that best matches what you want to search.
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