Configure the Recent Posts widget
Configure the Recent Posts widget to display multiple feeds in a user's profile. The widget can be extended to display additional feeds from IBM Lotus Connections features and external services as required.
To edit configuration files, use the IBM WebSphere Application Server wsadmin client. See Start wsadmin for information about how to start the wsadmin command-line tool.
The Recent Posts widget that displays on a user's profile page provides an aggregated summary of that user's recent activity in the different Lotus Connections features. The widget is automatically configured to display tabs for all of the Lotus Connections features, with the exception of Wikis. However you can configure it to display tabs for only those features that are included in your deployment.In Lotus Connections 2.5, the Recent Posts widget does not include a tab for the Wikis feature.
To configure the Recent Posts widget...
Use wsadmin to access the Profiles configuration files.
- Access the Profiles configuration files:
- Stand-alone deployment:
- Network deployment:
- Use the following command to check out the widget configuration file:
ProfilesConfigService.checkOutWidgetConfig("<working_directory>", "cell_name")where:
- <working_directory> is the temporary working directory to which the configuration XML and XSD files will be copied. The files are kept in this working while you make changes to them.
- cell_name is the name of the WebSphere Application Server cell hosting the Profiles feature. This argument is required even in stand-alone deployments.
For example:
ProfilesConfigService.checkOutWidgetConfig("/wsadminoutput", "jdoe30Node02Cell")
- Open widgets-config.xml in a text editor, and specify the widget attributes using the information in the following tables. You can find the configuration section for this component under config > widgets > definitions > widgetDef > defId = multiFeedReader > configData.
Recent posts widget attributes
Attribute Description serviceNameResourceId The resource string that specifies the name of the given feed that is displayed in the tab. serviceNameFeedUrl The feed URL for the specified Lotus Connections feature. A standard URL can be used, or a serviceNameSvcRef parameter can be used if the serviceName has been defined in the lotusConnections-config.xml file. Specify the following URL parameters:
Recent posts widget URL parameters
Parameter Description A substitution variable for the user e-mail displayed. This is used as a placeholder in the URL; it is replaced at runtime. serviceNameSvcRef A substitution variable for the URL value that is replaced at runtime. This parameter is retrieved from the lotusConnections-config.xml file for the given Lotus Connections feature. For example:
<widgetDef defId="multiFeedReader" url="{contextRoot}/widget-catalog/multifeedreader.xml?version={version}"> <itemSet> <item name="numberOfEntriesToDisplay" value="5" /> <item name="communityResourceId" value="communityResourceId"/> <item name="communityFeedUrl" value="{communitiesSvcRef}/service/atom/communities/all?userid={userid}&ps=5"/> <item name="dogearResourceId" value="dogearResourceId"/> <item name="dogearFeedUrl" value="{dogearSvcRef}/atom?userid={userid}&access=any&sort=date&sortOrder=desc&ps=5&showFavIcon=true{appLangParam}"/> <item name="blogsResourceId" value="blogsResourceId"/> <item name="blogsFeedUrl" value="{blogsSvcRef}/roller-ui/feed/{userid}?order=asc&maxresults=5&sortby=0"/> <item name="activitiesResourceId" value="activitiesResourceId"/> <item name="activitiesFeedUrl" value="{activitiesSvcRef}/service/atom2/activities?public=only&userid={userid}&authenticate=no&ps=5"/> <item name="filesResourceId" value="filesResourceId"/> <item name="filesFeedUrl" value="{filesSvcRef}/basic/anonymous/api/userlibrary/{userid}/feed?pagesize=5"/> </itemSet> </widgetDef>
- To remove a tab, comment out or delete the <serviceNameResourceId> and <serviceFeedUrl> attributes.
To comment out the attributes, use the <!-- XML notation to open the comment and --> to close the comment. In the following example, the tabs for the Activities and Files features are removed from the widget:
<!-- <item name="activitiesResourceId" value="activitiesResourceId"/> <item name="activitiesFeedUrl" value="{activitiesSvcRef}/service/atom2/activities?public=only&userid={userid}&authenticate=no&ps=5"/> <item name="filesResourceId" value="filesResourceId"/> <item name="filesFeedUrl" value="{filesSvcRef}/basic/anonymous/api/userlibrary/{userid}/feed?pagesize=5"/> --> </itemSet> </widgetDef>
- Save your changes and check the widgets-config.xml file back in...
- To exit wsadmin, type
exitat the prompt.
- Stop and restart the Profiles server.
Performing feature-specific tasks
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