

Customizing the login pages

Customize the login pages in IBM Lotus Connections by changing the background image and the style of the pages.

Unlike customizations you make to the product header and footer, which can be made to one feature and applied to all of the other features, any customizations you make to the login pages must be made to the properties files for each feature individually. This is true even if you have created a custom style sheet for other customizations that you are making; you have to manually edit each feature's defaultTheme.css file to change the style of the login page.

You can change the appearance of the Lotus Connections login pages to meet your organization's needs. For example, you might want to replace the Lotus icon that displays on the top left of the login pages with another image, such as your company logo.

To customize a login page, perform the following steps: To replace the Lotus logo with another image:

  1. Find the defaultTheme.css file for the feature whose login page you want to update.

    Each of the features has its own defaultTheme.css file. You must modify each of these files to ensure that your customizations are reflected across all the features. You can access the file from the following directory:

    WAS_HOME/profiles/profile_name/installedApps/cell_name/feature_name.ear/feature_name.war/nav/common/styles/defaultTheme where WAS_HOME is the to which you installed the IBM WebSphere Application Server, profile_name is the profile to which you installed one of the Lotus Connections features, cell_name is the cell to which you installed the feature, feature_name.ear is the EAR file name for the feature, and feature_name.war is one of the following file names:

    Feature WAR files

    Feature File name
    Activities oawebui.war
    Blogs blogs.war
    Bookmarks dogear.webui.war
    Communities comm.web.war
    Files qkr.share.files.war
    Home page dboard.war
    Profiles peoplepages.war
    Search search.war
    Wikis qkr.share.wiki.war

  2. Make a backup copy of the defaultTheme.css file that you can revert back to if necessary.

  3. In the defaultTheme.css file, locate the div class .lotusLoginLogo, which looks like the following:

      .lotusui .lotusLogo, .lotusLoginLogo{

  4. Make the required changes to the code.

    For example, you might want to replace logo.png with a different file and change the size of the image. Be sure to place your custom banner in the same images that contains logo.png or if you created an Web addressable to hold your custom images, place the image there.

    The logo.png file is stored in this directory, by default: WAS_HOME/profiles/profile_name/installedApps/cell_name/feature_name.ear/feature_name.war/nav/common/styles/images where WAS_HOME is the to which you installed the IBM WebSphere Application Server, profile_name is the profile to which you installed one of the Lotus Connections features, cell_name is the cell to which you installed the feature, feature_name.ear is the EAR file name for the feature, and feature_name.war is the application war name.

  5. Repeat steps a-c for each feature whose login page you want to customize.

  6. Restart all of the Lotus Connections features, then log in to view your changes.

    The new style is not displayed the first time you log in, but is displayed on subsequent logins.

Change the look of Lotus Connections


Related reference

Feature property files


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