

Add widgets to your Home page

Add widgets to the Updates and My Page tabs so that you can view updates from IBM Lotus Connections and other sources, and bring extra functionality to the Home page.

To add a Lotus Connections widget to the Updates tab or My Page tab, your organization must have a subscription to the corresponding Lotus Connections feature. You can also add vendor-acquired widgets if your administrator has enabled use of them. The content palette lists all of the widgets that the administrator has made available for your deployment.

The first time you use the Updates and My Page tabs, a number of default widgets display. You can extend the information displayed in each tab by adding extra widgets from the content palette. For example, if you are an active blogger and are interested in seeing what other bloggers in your organization are talking about, you might want to add the Blogs widget. Or, if you want to keep track of what the people in your network are doing, you might want to add the My Network widget.

You can add widgets to any of the columns on the My Page tab. However, you can only add widgets to the column on the right of the Updates tab. To add a widget, perform the following steps:

  1. Select Customize to open the content palette.

  2. Select a feature from the menu bar on the left to display the widget options available for that feature.

  3. Select a widget to add it to the tab.

  4. Optional: Click Close palette to close the palette.

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