

updateLC command

Use the updateLC command to run the update wizard in silent mode.



The updateLC command:




If you are installing features on different profiles with different administrator user IDs or passwords, you can use the following types of parameters:



Use the specified syntax to perform the following common tasks:

  • To process a fix:

      updateLC -installDir <LC_ROOT>
      -fixDir <LC_ROOT/update/fixes> 
      -install | -uninstall | uninstallAll
      -fixes <space-delimited list of fixes>
      -fixJars <space-delimited list of JAR files>
      -wasUserId <AdminUserId> -wasPassword <AdminPwd>
      [-configProperties "property file name and path"]

  • To display a list of applied fixes:

      updateLC -fix 
      -installDir <LC_ROOT>

  • To display a list of available fixes:

  • To process a fix pack:

      updateLC -installDir <LC_ROOT>
      -fixpackDir <LC_ROOT/update/fixpacks>
      -install | -uninstall
       -fixPackID <fix pack ID>
       -wasUserId <AdminUserId> -wasPassword <AdminPwd>
       [-configProperties "property file name and path"]

  • To display a list of applied fix packs:

      updateLC -fixpack 
      -installDir <LC_ROOT>

  • To display a list of available fix packs:

      updateLC -fixpack 
      -installDir <LC_ROOT>
       -fixpackDir <LC_ROOT/update/fixpacks>



    The following examples demonstrate how to perform common tasks with the updateLC command. They assume the following conditions:

    • The location of the update wizard is: C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections\update

    • The Lotus Connections installation root is: C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections

    • The fix repository is: C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections\update\fixes

    • The fix pack repository is: C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections\update\fixpacks

    The examples include carriage returns after each parameter to make the example easier to read. When using the command, do not add carriage returns after the parameters. To install a collection of interim fixes:

      	updateLC -fix 
      	-installDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections" 
      	-fixDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections\update\fixes" 
      	-install -fixes Fix1 Fix2
      	-wasUserId wsadmin -wasPassword wspwd

    To install a collection of interim fixes and display interim fix details:

      	updateLC -fix 
      	-installDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections" 
      	-fixDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections\update\fixes" 
      	-install -fixes Fix1 Fix2 -fixDetails
      	-wasUserId wsadmin -wasPassword wspwd

    To install a collection of interim fixes using a custom properties file:

      	updateLC -fix 
      	-installDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections" 
      	-fixDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections\update\fixes" 
      	-install -fixes Fix1 Fix2
      	-wasUserId wsadmin -wasPassword wspwd
      	-configProperties .\myProp.properties

    To install interim fixes from a Java™ archive (JAR) file:

      	updateLC -fix 
      	-installDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections" 
      	-fixDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections\update\fixes" 
      	-install -fixJar Fix1
      	-wasUserId wsadmin -wasPassword wspwd		

    To uninstall a collection of interim fixes:

      	updateLC -fix 
      	-installDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections" 
      	-fixDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections\update\fixes" 
      	-uninstall -fixes Fix1 Fix2
      	-wasUserId wsadmin -wasPassword wspwd

    To display a list of interim fixes:

      	updateLC -fix
      	-installDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections" 

    To display a list of interim fixes available in the repository:

      	updateLC -fix 
      	-installDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections" 
      	-fixDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections\update\fixes"

    To install a fix pack:

      	updateLC -fixpack 
      	-installDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections" 
      	-fixpackDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections\update\fixpacks" 
      	-install -fixpackID Fixpack1
      	-wasUserId wsadmin -wasPassword wspwd	

    To install a fix pack to update a subset of features only, such as Activities and Profiles:

      	updateLC -fixpack 
      	-installDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections" 
      	-fixpackDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections\update\fixpacks" 
      	-install -fixpackID Fixpack1 -updateFeature activities profiles
      	-wasUserId wsadmin -wasPassword wspwd	

    To uninstall a fix pack:

      	updateLC -fixpack 
      	-installDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections" 
      	-fixpackDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections\update\fixpacks" 
      	-uninstall -fixpackID Fixpack1
      	-wasUserId wsadmin -wasPassword wspwd	

    To display a list of installed fix packs:

      				 updateLC -fixpack 
                -installDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections"

    To display a list of fix packs available in the repository:

      	updateLC -fixpack 
      	-installDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections" 
      	-fixpackDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections\update\fixpacks"

    Install interim fixes in silent mode


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