updateLC command
Use the updateLC command to run the update wizard in silent mode.
The updateLC command:
- Installs fixes.
- Uninstalls fixes.
- Reports on the current state of applied fixes.
- -?
- Displays command usage information.
- /?
- Displays command usage information.
- -configProperties <propertyFile>.properties
- Specifies an externally supplied properties file containing Lotus Connections properties and values. When specifying properties in a file, use the following conventions:
- Do not include trailing spaces after property values
- Do not enclose values in quotation marks
- When typing paths, use a forward slash (/) instead of a backward slash (\) regardless of the operating system
- -fix
- Interim fix only. Identifies the update as an interim fix update.
- -fixDetails
- Interim fix only. Instructs the command to display interim fix detail information.
- -fixDir <directory>
- Interim fix only. Specifies the fully qualified to which you downloaded the interim fixes. The recommended is LC_ROOT/update/fixes.
- -fixes <fix1> <fix2>
- Interim fix only. Specifies a list of space-delimited interim fixes to install or uninstall.
- -fixJars <JAR_file1> <JAR_file2>
- Interim fix only. Specifies a list of space-delimited interim fix JAR files to install or uninstall. Each JAR file has one or more interim fixes.
- -fixpack
- Fix pack only. Identifies the update as a fix pack update.
- -fixpackDetails
- Fix pack only. Instructs the command to display fix pack detail information.
- -fixpackDir <directory>
- Fix pack only. Specifies the fully qualified to which you downloaded the fix packs. The recommended is LC_ROOT/update/fixpacks.
- -fixpackID <fixpack_ID>
- Fix pack only. Specifies the ID of a fix pack to install or uninstall. The value you specify does not include the .jar extension. The value is not the fully qualified package file name, but is the name of the individual fix pack within the JAR file. The current Lotus Connections strategy for fix pack JAR files is to use one JAR file per fix pack. The fix pack ID is the name of the JAR file before the .jar extension. For example, if the fix pack JAR file is named LC_PTF_201.jar, the fix pack ID is LC_PTF_201.
- -help
- Displays command usage information.
- /help
- Displays command usage information.
- -install
- Installs the update, either interim fix or fix pack
- -installDir <directory>
- Specifies the fully qualified installation root of the Lotus Connections product. By default, this is LC_ROOT.
If you are applying a fix pack or interim fix to features in a cluster, apply the fix to the first node and then do a full synchronization to push the fix to the other nodes.
- -uninstall
- Uninstalls the identified fix.
- -uninstallAll
- Interim fix only. Specifies to uninstall all applied interim fixes.
- -updateFeature feature_name
- Optional. Indicates that you want to update a subset of Lotus Connections features. Specify the feature names as follows:
- activities
- blogs
- communities
- dogear
- homepage
- profiles
Use a comma or space to delimit multiple features. If you want to update all features, do not use this parameter. You cannot use this parameter to apply interim fixes to a specific set of features.
- -usage
- Displays command usage information.
- -wasPassword <password>
- Required to install or uninstall. Identifies the succeeding text as a WebSphere Application Server administrative user password.
- -wasUserId <AdminUserId>
- Required to install or uninstall. Specifies the user ID of the WebSphere Application Server administrative user.
If you are installing features on different profiles with different administrator user IDs or passwords, you can use the following types of parameters:
- -${featureName}wasUserId <AdminUserId>. For example: -ActivitiesWasPassword <password>
- -${featureName}wasPassword <password>. For example: -ActivitiesWasUserId <AdminUserId>
Use the specified syntax to perform the following common tasks:
- To display command usage information:
updateLC -help | -? | /help | /? | -usage
To process a fix: updateLC -installDir <LC_ROOT> -fix -fixDir <LC_ROOT/update/fixes> -install | -uninstall | uninstallAll -fixes <space-delimited list of fixes> -fixJars <space-delimited list of JAR files> -wasUserId <AdminUserId> -wasPassword <AdminPwd> [-configProperties "property file name and path"] [-fixDetails]
To display a list of applied fixes: updateLC -fix -installDir <LC_ROOT>
To display a list of available fixes: updateLC -fix -installDir <LC_ROOT> -fixDir <LC_ROOT/update/fixes>
To process a fix pack: updateLC -installDir <LC_ROOT> -fixpack -fixpackDir <LC_ROOT/update/fixpacks> -install | -uninstall -fixPackID <fix pack ID> -wasUserId <AdminUserId> -wasPassword <AdminPwd> [-configProperties "property file name and path"] [-fixpackDetails]
To display a list of applied fix packs: updateLC -fixpack -installDir <LC_ROOT>
To display a list of available fix packs: updateLC -fixpack -installDir <LC_ROOT> -fixpackDir <LC_ROOT/update/fixpacks>
The following examples demonstrate how to perform common tasks with the updateLC command. They assume the following conditions:
- The location of the update wizard is: C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections\update
- The Lotus Connections installation root is: C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections
- The fix repository is: C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections\update\fixes
- The fix pack repository is: C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections\update\fixpacks
The examples include carriage returns after each parameter to make the example easier to read. When using the command, do not add carriage returns after the parameters. To install a collection of interim fixes:
C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections\update updateLC -fix -installDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections" -fixDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections\update\fixes" -install -fixes Fix1 Fix2 -wasUserId wsadmin -wasPassword wspwdTo install a collection of interim fixes and display interim fix details:
C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections\update updateLC -fix -installDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections" -fixDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections\update\fixes" -install -fixes Fix1 Fix2 -fixDetails -wasUserId wsadmin -wasPassword wspwdTo install a collection of interim fixes using a custom properties file:
C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections\update updateLC -fix -installDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections" -fixDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections\update\fixes" -install -fixes Fix1 Fix2 -wasUserId wsadmin -wasPassword wspwd -configProperties .\myProp.propertiesTo install interim fixes from a Java™ archive (JAR) file:
C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections\update updateLC -fix -installDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections" -fixDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections\update\fixes" -install -fixJar Fix1 -wasUserId wsadmin -wasPassword wspwdTo uninstall a collection of interim fixes:
C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections\update updateLC -fix -installDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections" -fixDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections\update\fixes" -uninstall -fixes Fix1 Fix2 -wasUserId wsadmin -wasPassword wspwdTo display a list of interim fixes:
C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections\update updateLC -fix -installDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections"To display a list of interim fixes available in the repository:
C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections\update updateLC -fix -installDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections" -fixDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections\update\fixes"To install a fix pack:
C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections\update> updateLC -fixpack -installDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections" -fixpackDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections\update\fixpacks" -install -fixpackID Fixpack1 -wasUserId wsadmin -wasPassword wspwdTo install a fix pack to update a subset of features only, such as Activities and Profiles:
C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections\update> updateLC -fixpack -installDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections" -fixpackDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections\update\fixpacks" -install -fixpackID Fixpack1 -updateFeature activities profiles -wasUserId wsadmin -wasPassword wspwdTo uninstall a fix pack:
C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections\update> updateLC -fixpack -installDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections" -fixpackDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections\update\fixpacks" -uninstall -fixpackID Fixpack1 -wasUserId wsadmin -wasPassword wspwdTo display a list of installed fix packs:
C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections\update> updateLC -fixpack -installDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections"To display a list of fix packs available in the repository:
C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections\update> updateLC -fixpack -installDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections" -fixpackDir "C:\IBM\WebSphere\LotusConnections\update\fixpacks"
Install interim fixes in silent mode