

Searching Profiles

Search for a set of profiles that match a specific criteria and return them in a feed. You can use this resource to discover someone's user ID. When you search by name, the returned feed identifies each person's user ID, which you can subsequently use in other types of searches to retrieve more detailed information about a person.

This method returns a feed of profiles as opposed to retrieving the Atom entry of a single profile. To retrieve an Atom entry document, see Retrieving a profile entry. The content element of each returned entry includes the vcard information for the person being represented by the entry.

Atom API request details

Resource Description
/atom/search.do Retrieves profiles that match a specific search criteria.

Use one or more of the input parameters to narrow the search. Separate multiple parameters with an ampersand (&).

All search parameters support the use of the wildcards % or *. Use % to match any single character; encode it properly using %25. Use * to match zero or more characters.

Input parameters

Parameter Description
city City. Returns all profiles that contain a matching city value.
country Country. Returns all profiles that contain a matching country value.
email Internet e-mail address. Returns all profiles that contain a matching e-mail address.Format the HTTP request using the proper URL encoding. For example, the encoded form of the @ symbol is %40 as in:


Do not use this parameter if Lotus Connections is configured to prevent e-mail addresses from being displayed. It will return an error.

format Specifies whether you want a full profile or partial profile to be returned. Options are lite or full. The default value is full.
jobTitle Job title. Returns all profiles that contain a matching job title value.
name Name. Returns all profiles that contain a matching name value. You can specify a first name or last name.
organization Organization. Returns all profiles that contain a matching organization value.
page Page number. Specifies the page to be returned. Default is 1.
phoneNumber Phone number. Returns all profiles that contain a matching phone number.
profileTags Returns profiles with the specified tags. Separate multiple tags with a comma. If you use a comma, it must be URL-encoded as %2C.
profileType Specifies the type of profile. The types are defined by you in the Profiles database. See Adding Profile Types for more information.
ps Page size. Specifies the number of entries to return per page.
search Well-formed full text search query. Performs a text search of the Profile Tags, About Me, and Background fields of all the profiles.
state State. Returns all profiles that contain a matching state value.
userid Unique ID that represents a specific person. The user ID is stored in the div element that has the x-lconn-userid class attribute.



To search for the profile of every person with a city value of Westford in their profiles, send the following HTTP request:

The HTTP response would look as follows:

The following content is returned by the server:

Get Profiles feeds


Related tasks

Get a person's user ID in Activities

Configure profile types for widget layout


Related reference

Profile entry content


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