Searching for a person's colleagues
Returns a feed that lists the contacts that a person has designated as colleagues. You can use this resource to subscribe to a person's list of colleagues.
Atom API request details
Resource Description /atom/connections.do?connectionType=colleague Retrieves information about who a person has designated as colleagues. Use one or more of the input parameters to narrow the search. Separate multiple parameters with an ampersand (&).
Input parameters
Parameter Description connectionType Required.
Identifies the type of connection to look for. You must specify connectionType=colleague. Internet e-mail address of the user whose colleagues you want to retrieve. Format the HTTP request using the proper URL encoding. For example, the encoded form of the @ symbol is %40 as in: adam_eventide%40garden.com
You must provide either this parameter or the userid parameter. Do not provide this parameter if Lotus Connections is configured to prevent e-mail addresses from being displayed. It will return an error code. Use the key or userid parameters instead.
format Specifies whether you want a full profile or partial profile to be returned. Options are lite or full. The default value is full. This can only be used when the outputType parameter is provided also and is set to profile.
inclMessage Specifies whether or not to include the invitation message with the returned entries. This parameter accepts a Boolean value of true or false. If you include this parameter and set it to true, be the source of the connection object and authenticate the request. key An ID generated by Profiles to identify a person. A user's key value is contained in the element with a class attribute value of x-profile-key in the user's profile feed. You can access a user's feed by searching all profiles by name, which returns information you can then use to retrieve the person's feed.
output Specifies the output format option of the ATOM <content> element when the value of the outputType parameter is set to profile. Options are:
- hcard
- Produces content according to the xhtml/vcard microformat specification. hcard content is in XML format which means it can be addressed by XPath. This value is the default option.
- vcard
- Produces content according to the VCARD 2.1 standard. vcard content is text based, but more compact. This output format specifies the rel="edit" link element for each profile. Use this format if you want to update a profile.
outputType Specifies the format in which the information is returned. Options are:
- connection
- Returns colleague connection entries.
- profile
- Returns profile entries.
since Includes in the resulting feed all colleague relationships established after a specified date. Specify the date using a date-time value that conforms to RFC3339. Use an upper case "T" to separate the date and time, and an uppercase "Z" in the absence of a numeric time zone offset. For example: 2009-01-04T20:32:31.171Z. sortBy Specifies the order in which to sort the results. By default, they are unordered. Optionally, you can specify the following option:
- displayName
- Sorts the results by the person's display name.
sortOrder Specifies the order in which to sort the results. Options are:
- asc
- Ascending. This value is the default option.
- desc
- Descending.
userid A unique ID that represents a specific person. To determine a person's user ID, you can search all profiles for the person by name. The feed that is returned identifies the person's user ID in the <snx:userid> element. You must provide either this parameter or the email parameter.
Related reference