

Colleague connection entry content

Lists the elements in a colleague connection Atom entry.

A colleague connection represents a two-way connection between two people. Each way is represented as a separate connection entry, so the list of connections for Sam contains a connection with source=Alice and target=Bob. Conversely, the list of connections for Bob contains the same connection with source=Bob and target=Alice. The person whose connections are being viewed is always identified as the source of the connection regardless of who initiated the connection. All elements are in the http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom namespace, except those that are prefixed as follows:

Connection entry elements

Element How treated on input Description
<id> Ignored Unique identifier of a connection.
<title> Required Connection title.
<category scheme="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/prod/sn/type" term="connection"/> Required Identifies the Atom entry as a connection.
<category scheme="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/prod/sn/connection/type" term="colleague"/> Required Identifies the connection type to be a colleague.
<category scheme="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/prod/sn/status" term="pending"/> Required Identifies the status of the connection. Options are:


    The person was invited to be a colleague and accepted the invitation. Both participants in the connection see this status after an invitation has been accepted.


    The person has been invited to be a colleague, but has not yet responded. Use this status to create an invitation.


    The person has sent an invitation, but has not yet received a response.

<link rel="self" href="..." /> Ignored Use the address in the href attribute of this link to obtain an Atom entry document containing a complete representation of this connection. Operations are supported on the link address:

  • GET: Obtain a full representation of this connection as an Atom Entry document.

  • HEAD: Retrieve just HTTP headers to quickly find out the status of this connection.

<link rel="edit" type="application/atom+xml" href="edit_url" /> Ignored Use the address in the href attribute of this link to obtain an Atom entry document containing a complete representation of this connection topic. The following operations are supported on the link address:

  • GET: Obtain a full representation of this connection as an Atom Entry document

  • HEAD: Retrieve just HTTP headers to quickly find out the status of this connection.

  • PUT: Update this connection to change it's status

  • DELETE: Delete this connection. Deleting a connection also removes the corresponding connection from the other user to you.

<snx:connection> Required Identifies the participants in the connection. See Table 2 for more details.
<content type="html"> Required Contains the text of the colleague connection invitation. This is visible to the invited user only.

If the content is larger than 2KB, then a <summary> element with the first 2KB of the content is included instead, and an enclosure link which points at the full content is provided.

<updated> Ignored The date the entry was last modified as defined in the Atom specification.
<author> Ignored The person who created the connection by sending the invitation.
<contributor> Ignored The contributor of this connection.

The <snxconnection> element

Element How treated on input Description
<contributor snx:rel="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/prod/sn/connection/source"> Ignored Contains information about the person whose connections are being viewed.
<contributor snx:rel="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/prod/sn/connection/target"> Ignored Contains information about the other participant in the connection.

The <author> element and each <contributor> element accepts the <name> element as specified in the Atom specification. They also accept the <snx:userid> element. If Lotus Connections is configured to prevent e-mail addresses from being displayed, then the <email> element is not supported. Otherwise, it can be used.

Profiles Atom entry types


Related reference

Inviting a person to become your colleague

Retrieving connections

Accepting an invitation to become a colleague

Delete connections

Get a list of your connections by status

Checking whether two people are colleagues

Finding colleagues shared by two people


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