

Retrieving the tags related to a set of search results

Search Lotus Connections to find all of the content that contains a specific text string in its title, description or content, or that contains information tagged with a specific tag term, and then return the tags related to the results.

Atom API request details

Resource Description
/atom/search/facets/tags Search Lotus Connection for public information, and then return the tags associated with the results.
/atom/mysearch/facets/tags Search Lotus Connections for both public information and private information that you have access to, and then return the tags associated with the results. You must provide authentication information in the request to retrieve this resource.

Use one or both of the following input parameters to identify what to search for.

Required input parameters

Parameter Description
query Text to search for. Returns a list of results with the specified text in the title, description, or content. Encode the strings. By default, spaces are treated as an AND operator. The following operators are supported:

  • AND or &&: Searches for items that contain both words. For example: query=red%20AND%20test returns items that contain both the word red and the word test. AND is the default operator.

  • NOT or !: Excludes the word that follows the operator from the search. For example: query=test%20NOT%20red returns items that contain the word test, but not the word red.

  • OR: Searches for items that contain either of the words. For example: query=test%20OR%20red

  • To search for a phrase, enclose the phrase in quotation marks (" ").

  • +: The plus sign indicates that the word must be present in the result. For example: query=+test%20red returns only items that contain the word test and many that also contain red, but none that contain only the word red.

  • ?: Use a question mark to match individual characters. For example: query=te%3Ft returns items that contain the words test, text, tent, and others that begin with te.

  • -: The dash prohibits the return of a given word. This operator is similar to NOT. For example: query=test%20-red returns items that contains the word test, but not the word red.

tag Tag to search for. Returns a list of results with the specified tag. You can use this parameter multiple times to search for content that is tagged with all of the tag terms.

You can use the following optional parameters to narrow the scope of the initial search.

Optional input parameters

Parameter Description
component Limits the search results to include items from a specific feature. You can use this parameter multiple times to function as an AND operator. For example, if you specify component=dogear&component=activities, the results would be limited to all of the activities that have been dogeared or all activity bookmarks that are also dogeared. Options are:

components Limits the search results to include items from a specific feature. You can use this parameter multiple times to function as an OR operator. For example, if you specify components=dogear&components=activities, the results would include all items from Activities or Bookmarks that match the search criteria. Options are:

email Limits the results to only those items associated with the person who has the specified e-mail address. For example, the person could be the author of an activity entry that is returned or a member of the community returned.
userid Limits the results to only those items associated with the person who has the specified user ID. This parameter overwrites the email parameter if both are specified.



To retrieve the tags associated with the search results returned when you search for the term "Red Sox", send the following HTTP request:

The following content is returned by the server:

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