Get a feed of all public updates
Get a feed that lists the latest updates that relate to public content. The most recent updates are listed first in the resulting feed.
Atom API request details
Resource Description /atom/stories/public Gets a feed of all public updates.
Parameter Description before Returns only those items that were last modified before the date specified by this parameter. Format the date using the syntax: 2008-02-07T21:07:56Z. See RFC4287 for details. container Unique ID of one of the following items:
- An activity in the Activities feature
- A blog in the Blogs feature
- A person's bookmark collection in the Bookmarks feature
- A community in the Communities feature
- A file in the Files feature
- A person's profile in the Profiles feature
- A wiki in the Wikis feature
Use this parameter with the source parameter. In the source parameter, specify the feature in which this unique ID for the item is valid. This parameter is ignored if a valid feature name is not specified in the source parameter.
E-mail address of a person. Use this parameter to limit the feed of updates to contain only updates generated by a specific person. Do not use this parameter if Lotus Connections is configured to hide e-mail addresses; use userid instead. lang Use this parameter to request stories in a different language than specified in the HTTP request. To specify the language, use one of the following formats:
- Java™ format (e.g. en_IE, es_GT)
- Dojo format (e.g. en-ie, es-gt)
page Page number. Specifies the page to be returned. Default is 1. ps Page size. Specifies the number of entries to return per page. The maximum number allowed is 100. since Returns only those items that were last modified after the date specified by this parameter. Format the date using the syntax: 2008-02-07T21:07:56Z. See RFC4287 for details. source Specify a single feature from which you want the feed of updates to be returned. Options are:
- activities
- blogs
- communities
- dogear
- files
- profiles
- wikis
userid Unique ID of a person. Use this parameter to limit the feed of updates to contain only updates generated by a specific person. The value of this parameter takes precedence when both this and the email parameter are specified.
You can use the ps and page parameters together.