

Get a feed of public files

Get a feed that lists all files. This returns a feed of all public file. This resource does not accept authentication.

Atom API request details

Resource Description
/basic/anonymous/api/documents/feed?visibility=public A feed of all files.

Use one or more of the input parameters to narrow the search. Separate multiple parameters with an ampersand (&).

Input parameters

Parameter Description
page Page number. Specifies the page to be returned assuming a constant page size. The default value is 1.
pageSize Page size. Specifies the number of items to include in a paged request. The default value is 10. Specify the page size in increments of ten.
sI Start index. Specifies the start index (as a number) in the collection from which the results should be returned. This parameter is ignored if a page parameter is provided.
since Returns only those files that were last updated after the specified date. Specify the date using the ? format.
sortOrder String. Specifies what to sort the returned entries by. Options are:


    Organize the entries by the number of comments or replies that the file has received.


    Organize the entries by file creation date.


    Organize the entries by the number of times the file has been downloaded.


    Organize the entries by the number of times the file has been recommended.

The default option is created.

sortBy String. Defines the order in which to sort the results. Options are:




    Descending. This value is the default value.

Defaults to desc when using the default sortOption of created. If you specify a different sortOption, this parameter defaults to asc.

tag String. Returns all files tagged with the specified keyword. You can specify up to three keywords by default. Separate multiple tag names with commas. The administrator can configure Files to allow for searching more or fewer tags.

This parameter is required.

Defines who has access to the files. Set this parameter equal to


, which specifies that you want to return all of the files that can be accessed by anyone who can log in to the Files feature.



To search for all public files, send the following HTTP request:

The HTTP response would look as follows:

The following content is returned by the server:

Get Files feeds


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