

Searching the to-do list

Search for a set of to-do items that match a specific criteria.

Atom API request details

Resource Description
service/atom2/todos A feed of to-do items.

Use one or more of the input parameters to narrow the search. Separate multiple parameters with an ampersand (&).

Input parameters

Parameter Description
assignedto Internet e-mail address. Specifies by e-mail address the person to whom the to-do item is assigned.Format the HTTP request using the proper URL encoding. For example, the encoded form of the @ symbol is %40 as in:


Do not use this parameter if Lotus Connections is configured to prevent e-mail addresses from being displayed. It is ignored. Use the assignedToUserid parameter instead.

assignedToUserid User ID of the person to whom the to-do item is assigned.
email Internet e-mail address. Specifies that you want to search for activities that you have in common with the user you specify by e-mail address.Format the HTTP request using the proper URL encoding. For example, the encoded form of the @ symbol is %40 as in:


Do not use this parameter if Lotus Connections is configured to prevent e-mail addresses from being displayed. It will return an error. Use the userid parameter instead.

fieldtype Filters the search to find entries that contain fields of a certain type. The options are:

  • date

  • file

  • link

  • person

  • text

includeunassigned Use with the assignedto parameter to retrieve all of the to-do items to which a specific user has access. When you specify the assignedto parameter alone, it returns only those to-do items assigned to the person. To get a list of all of the to-do items that a person has access to, not just those assigned to him or her, use this parameter. For example:

/service/atom2/todos?assignedto=<email>&includeunassigned=yes The options are:


    Does not include to-do items that are not assigned to the person.


    Returns only those to-do items to which the person has access, except those that are assigned to him or her.


    Includes to-do items to which the person has access, not only those that are assigned to him or her.

nodetype Filters the search results by type. Options are:

  • activity

  • bookmark (for backwards compatibility)

  • chat

  • comment (for backwards compatibility)

  • community_activity

  • email

  • entry

  • entrytemplate: Returns all entry templates associated with the activity.

  • file (for backwards compatibility)

  • reply

  • section

  • todo

page Page number. Specifies the page to be returned. Default is 1.
priority Priority level of the activity. Options are:


    Returns activities identified as having a medium priority.


    Returns activities identified as having a high or medium priority.


    Returns activities identified as having a high priority.

ps Page size. Specify the number of entries to return per page.
public Specifies whether to include public activities in the search. Options are:

search Well-formed full text search query. Performs a text search on activity titles and descriptions.
since Returns all entries last modified since a specified date. Specify the date in the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT time.
sortfields Order in which to sort the results. Options are:


    Sorts the results by last modified date.


    Sorts the results by entry name.


    Sorts the results by author name.

sortorder Defines the order in which to sort the results. Options are:


    Ascending. This value is the default value.



Use with the sortfield parameter. For example, if you want to display the results by most recently modified, specify:


tag Returns activities with the specified tag. Search by one tag at a time.
templates Specifies whether to include templates in the search. Options are:


    Does not include templates in the search.


    Searches only templates.


    Includes templates in the search.

userid Unique ID that represents a specific person.



To search for all to do items in all activities, send the following HTTP request:

The HTTP response would look as follows:

The following content is returned by the server:

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