Confluence integration URLs
After installing the IBM Lotus Connections Connector for Confluence, you can use various URLs to administer the integrated application. The following table displays the URLs used in the administration of the Confluence connector.
The <context> element is used in the following URLs only if a context root is specified when Confluence is deployed. For example, if Confluence is deployed on WebSphere Application Server, specify a context root. However, if you access Confluence using an URL such as http://confluence.acme.com, then the context root is not required.
Confluence integration URLs
URL Description API URL http://<confluence-host>/<context>/rpc/xmlrpc This URL is accessed in the back end by the connector code, the end user never interacts with this URL directly. The Confluence administrator username and password are used to authenticate to this URL.
Wiki space feed URL http://<confluence-host>/<context>/createrssfeed.action Used to access the feed for the wiki space associated with a community.
Here is an example of the parameters used when accessing the feed from the URL: types=page&types=blogpost&types=mail&types=comment&types=attachment&sort=modified&showContent=true&showDiff=false&spaces=[#space_id#]&labelString=&rssType=rss2&maxResults=10&timeSpan=120&[#auth_section#]
Wiki space home page http://<confluence-host>/<context>/display/<space_id>/Home Used to access the home page for the wiki space associated with a community.
IBM Lotus Connections Connector for Confluence