

Troubleshooting style changes

Lists possible issues you can encounter when changing the style of the navigation bar or footer and how to resolve them.


Problem: My style changes are not being applied

Make sure you have set the correct level of permissions on any files or directories that you added to the IBM HTTP Server.

Make sure that you restarted WebSphere Application Server. You must restart the server before your changes will take effect. Make sure the IBM HTTP Server is started and is accessible from the Web, and that you are not being prevented from accessing it by a firewall or network issues. Try accessing the stylesheet, header.html, footer.html, or image directly to make sure the connection is not the problem. For example, you can go to the following Web pages to test the associated files:

    • http://server_name.company_name.com/<path-to-style-dir>/header.html

    • http://server_name.company_name.com/<path-to-style-dir>/footer.html

    • http://server_name.company_name.com/<path-to-style-dir>/<custom_CSS_file>

    Check the SystemOut.log file for Websphere Application Server. If Lotus Connections has trouble accessing your custom files, it logs information in the SystemOut.log file.

    Customizing the navigation bar and footer


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