Common configuration properties
Common configuration properties for Lotus Connections are stored in LotusConnections-config.xml.
You can change the values of the properties in the following ways:
- wsadmin updateConfig
IBM preferred method. When you use wsadmin, validation is performed before the change is applied.
Not all properties can be edited this way. To return a listing of all the properties that can be edited using the wsadmin client...
wsadmin showConfig
- Edit the XML elements in the file directly using a text editor.
More error prone. If you choose to edit the XML elements directly, after making changes and saving the file, open the file in a Web browser to ensure that you have not introduced any syntactical or other errors. Well formed XML files are displayed in a Web browser; if the file contains an error, it is not displayed, and the error is reported by the Web browser. All of the properties can be edited this way.
When you use this method to change property values, you still must use...
wsadmin checkOutConfig Check out the configuration files wsadmin checkInConfig Check the LotusConnections-config.xml file back in after you have made your updates.
Properties that you can edit using the wsadmin client
The following table lists the configuration properties that can be edited using the updateConfig command from the wsadmin client.
Property Description activities.enabled Whether the ability to access the Activities feature over HTTP is enabled. The property accepts a Boolean value; the options are true and false. activities.href Web address from which to access the Activities feature over HTTP. Specify the protocol (HTTP), server name, and optionally the port number. activities.href.prefix Context root from which to access the feature. For example: /activities. activities.interService.href Web address from which other Lotus Connections features access this feature. Specify the protocol and server name. activities.pcs.name.js.eval Label of the link that you click to access the Activities feature from the business card. activities.pcs.url.pattern Web pattern of the link to the Activities feature from the business card. activities.ssl.enabled Whether the ability to access the Activities feature over secure HTTP is enabled. The property accepts a Boolean value; the options are true and false. activities.ssl.href Web address from which to access the Activities feature over https. Specify the protocol (HTTPS), server name, and optionally the port number. allowedContent.contentType.enabled Whether the active content filter removes flash animation files from entries in the Blogs and Wikis features. The property accepts a Boolean value; the options are true and false. blogs.enabled Whether the ability to access the Blogs feature over HTTP is enabled. The property accepts a Boolean value; the options are true and false. blogs.href Web address from which to access the Blogs feature over HTTP. Specify the protocol (HTTP), server name, and optionally the port number. blogs.href.prefix Context root from which to access the feature. For example: /blogs. blogs.interService.href Web address from which other Lotus Connections features access this feature. Specify the protocol and server name. blogs.pcs.name.js.eval Label of the link that you click to access the Blogs feature from the business card. blogs.pcs.url.pattern Web pattern of the link to the Blogs feature from the business card. blogs.ssl.enabled Whether the ability to access the Blogs feature over secure HTTP is enabled. The property accepts a Boolean value; the options are true and false. blogs.ssl.href Web address from which to access the Blogs feature over https. Specify the protocol (HTTPS), server name, and optionally the port number. communities.directory.service.extension.auth Type of authentication to use when Communities directory service integration is enabled. The options are:
- None. Traffic is not authenticated even if you enable the LTPA token.
- DSX-Admin. Traffic is authenticated, but enable the LTPA token first. This option is used when you configure Lotus Connections to gain access to private communities membership and ownership. This value is the default value.
This property replaces the wci.integration.auth and wci.integration.auth properties, which were deprecated in release 2.5.
communities.directory.service.extension.auth.alias J2C authentication alias to use. The options are:
- connectionsAdmin. This value is the default value. This authentication alias is created by the installer.
- <custom>. See the Lotus Connections wiki for more information about this option.
- waltzJAASAuth. You can use this value if you are upgrading from an earlier version of Lotus Connections in which you created a custom alias.
communities.directory.service.extension.enabled Whether other features can work with user groups defined by users of the Communities feature. Communities must be installed and Communities Membership Search must be enabled during the installation before you can set this property to true. This property must be set to true to use discussion forums in the Communities feature. The property accepts a Boolean value; the options are true and false. This property replaces thewci.enabled and wci.enabled properties, which were deprecated in release 2.5.
communities.directory.service.extension.href Web address from which to access the Communities directory service extension. Specify the Web address using the following syntax: <communities_server>/dsxwhere <communities_server> is the Web address from which the Communities feature is available. If the force.conf.comm.enabled property is set to true, be sure that the value of this property is specified as a https Web address. Failing to do so might prevent users from being able to use the Communities discussion forum feature.
This property replaces thewci.href and wci.href properties, which were deprecated in release 2.5.
communities.enabled Whether the ability to access the Communities feature over HTTP is enabled. The property accepts a Boolean value; the options are true and false. communities.href Web address from which to access the Communities feature over HTTP. Specify the protocol (HTTP), server name, and optionally the port number. communities.href.prefix Context root from which to access the feature. For example: /communities. communities.interService.href Web address from which other Lotus Connections features access this feature. Specify the protocol and server name. communities.pcs.name.js.eval Label of the link that you click to access the Communities feature from the business card. communities.pcs.url.pattern Web pattern of the link to the Communities feature from the business card. communities.ssl.enabled Whether the ability to access the Communities feature over secure HTTP is enabled. The property accepts a Boolean value; the options are true and false. communities.ssl.href Web address from which to access the Communities feature over https. Specify the protocol (HTTPS), server name, and optionally the port number. customAuthenticator.ConnectionTimeout Specified in seconds. Length of the timeout until a connection is established. customAuthenticator.CookieTimeout Specified in minutes. When the DefaultAuthenticator is in use, this value should match the LTPA timeout specified by WebSphere Application Server. When the TAMAuthenticator is in use, it should match the timeouts specified in Tivoli Access Manager. When the SiteMinderAuthenticator is in use, it should match the timeouts specified in SiteMinder. customAuthenticator.DefaultMaxConnectionsPerHost Maximum number of connections allowed per host configuration. customAuthenticator.MaxTotalConnections Maximum number of connections allowed overall. customAuthenticator.name Short name for the code to use to secure server to server communication. The options are:
DefaultAuthenticator Uses IBM LTPA token to secure connection. Default. SiteMinderAuthenticator Uses SiteMinder token to secure connection. TAMAuthenticator Uses Tivoli Access Manager token to secure connection.
customAuthenticator.SoTimeout Default socket timeout in seconds which is the timeout for waiting for data. deployment.id Unique identifier of the current deployment. This deployment ID is used by plug-ins and other API clients the address of a deployment changes to determine whether the new address is the same deployment or not. The deployment ID is a unique value that is generated by the installer. Alternatively, you can assign an ID to a deployment. If you decide to assign the ID instead of using the ID generated by the installer, do the following things: The deployment.id value is exposed within the atom:id of the /serviceconfigs API feed available from all Lotus Connections services.
- Use the naming convention: the reversed domain name of the Lotus Connections installation. For example: com.example.social-intranet. (This is an example of a deployment ID generated by the installer: deployment.id=com.ibm.lc.f803885b-2157-41fa-a864-f46fceabee80)
- If the deployment moves from one installation or hostname to another, set the value of the new deployment ID to the same value as the original deployment.
dogear.enabled Whether the ability to access the Bookmarks feature over HTTP is enabled. The property accepts a Boolean value; the options are true and false. dogear.href Web address from which to access the Bookmarks feature over HTTP. Specify the protocol (HTTP), server name, and optionally the port number. dogear.href.prefix Context root from which to access the feature. For example: /dogear. dogear.interService.href Web address from which other Lotus Connections features access this feature. Specify the protocol and server name. dogear.pcs.name.js.eval Label of the link that you click to access the Bookmarks feature from the business card. dogear.pcs.url.pattern Web pattern of the link to the Bookmarks feature from the business card. dogear.ssl.href Web address from which to access the Bookmarks feature over https. Specify the protocol (HTTPS), server name, and optionally the port number. dogear.ssl.enabled Whether the ability to access the Bookmarks feature over secure HTTP is enabled. The property accepts a Boolean value; the options are true and false. dynamicHosts.enabled Whether a reverse proxy is configured for Lotus Connections. The property accepts a Boolean value; the options are true and false. dynamicHosts.href Web address from which to access Lotus Connections through a reverse proxy over HTTP. dynamicHosts.ssl_href Web address from which to access Lotus Connections through a reverse proxy over https. email.expose.enabled Whether or not to display user e-mail addresses in the product user interface, and product-generated notifications or URLs. The property accepts a Boolean value; the options are true and false. files.enabled Whether the ability to access the Files feature over HTTP is enabled. The property accepts a Boolean value; the options are true and false. files.href Web address from which to access the Files feature over HTTP. Specify the protocol (HTTP), server name, and optionally the port number. files.href.prefix Context root from which to access the feature. For example: /files. files.interService.href Web address from which other Lotus Connections features access this feature. Specify the protocol and server name. files.pcs.name.js.eval Label of the link that you click to access the Files feature from the business card. files.pcs.url.pattern Web pattern of the link to the Files feature from the business card. files.ssl.enabled Whether the ability to access the Files feature over secure HTTP is enabled. The property accepts a Boolean value; the options are true and false. files.ssl.href Web address from which to access the Files feature over https. Specify the protocol (HTTPS), server name, and optionally the port number. force.conf.comm.enabled Whether access to the Lotus Connections features can only be reached over a secure HTTP channel (HTTPS). The property accepts a Boolean value; the options are true and false. If you set the value of this property to true, the value of the profiles.directory.service.extension.href or communities.directory.service.extension.href properties, if Profiles or Communities directory service integration is enabled, must be specified as a https Web address. homepage.ejb.cluster Name of the cluster in which the Home page feature is installed. This property is used for JNDI lookups in cluster environments to ensure failover and load balancing on lookups. It is set to empty quotes by default in a stand-alone deployment (""). homepage.ejb.port Port number of the server specified in the homepage.ejb.server property to use to perform JNDI lookups. This value is usually 2809, but may be different if port 2809 is already in use. homepage.ejb.server Host name of the server on which to perform JNDI lookups. Use this setting if the Home page feature is installed in a separate cell from the other features. homepage.enabled Whether the ability to access the Home page feature over HTTP is enabled. The property accepts a Boolean value; the options are true and false. homepage.href Web address from which to access the Home page feature over HTTP. Specify the protocol (HTTP), server name, and optionally the port number. homepage.href.prefix Context root from which to access the feature. For example: /homepage. homepage.interService.href Web address from which other Lotus Connections features access this feature. Specify the protocol and server name. homepage.ssl.enabled Whether the ability to access the Home page feature over secure HTTP is enabled. The property accepts a Boolean value; the options are true and false. homepage.ssl.href Web address from which to access the Home page feature over https. Specify the protocol (HTTPS), server name, and optionally the port number. mobile.enabled Whether the ability to access Lotus Connections from a mobile device over HTTP is enabled. The property accepts a Boolean value; the options are true and false. mobile.href Web address from which to access Lotus Connections from a mobile device over HTTP. Specify the protocol (HTTP), server name, and optionally the port number. mobile.href.prefix Context root from which to access Lotus Connections from a mobile device. For example: /mobile. mobile.interService.href Web address from which Lotus Connections features access one another from a mobile device. Specify the protocol and server name. mobile.ssl.enabled Whether the ability to access Lotus Connections from a mobile device over secure HTTP is enabled. The property accepts a Boolean value; the options are true and false. mobile.ssl.href Web address from which to access Lotus Connections from a mobile device over https. Specify the protocol (HTTPS), server name, and optionally the port number. news.ejb.cluster Name of the cluster in which the Updates feature is installed. This property is used for JNDI lookups in cluster environments to ensure failover and load balancing on lookups. news.ejb.port Port number of the server specified in the news.ejb.server property to use to perform JNDI lookups. This value is usually 2809, but may be different if port 2809 is already in use. news.ejb.server Host name of the server on which to perform JNDI lookups. Use this setting if the Updates feature is installed in a separate cell from the other features. news.enabled Whether the ability to access Home page Updates over HTTP is enabled. The property accepts a Boolean value; the options are true and false. news.href Web address from which to access Home page Updates over HTTP. Specify the protocol (HTTP), server name, and optionally the port number. news.href.prefix Context root from which to access the feature. For example: /news. news.interService.href Web address from which other Lotus Connections features access Home page Updates. Specify the protocol and server name. news.ssl.enabled Whether the ability to access Home page Updates over secure HTTP is enabled. The property accepts a Boolean value; the options are true and false. news.ssl.href Web address from which to access Home page Updates over https. Specify the protocol (HTTPS), server name, and optionally the port number. personTag.href Web address from which to access the business card service over HTTP. Specify the protocol (HTTP), server name, and optionally the port number. personTag.href.prefix Context root from which to access the business card. personTag.interService.href Web address from which other Lotus Connections features access the business card. Specify the protocol and server name. personTag.enabled Whether the ability to access the business card over HTTP is enabled. The property accepts a Boolean value; the options are true and false. personTag.ssl.enabled Whether the ability to access the business card over secure HTTP is enabled. The property accepts a Boolean value; the options are true and false. personTag.ssl.href Web address from which to access the business card service over https. Specify the protocol (HTTPS), server name, and optionally the port number. profiles.directory.service.extension.auth Type of authentication to use when Profiles Directory service integration is enabled. The options are:
- None. Traffic is not authenticated even if you enable the LTPA token. This value is the default value.
- DSX-Admin. Traffic is authenticated, but enable the LTPA token first. This option is used when Lotus Connections is configured to hide e-mail addresses.
This property replaces thewpi.integration.auth and wpi.integration.auth properties, which were deprecated in release 2.5.
profiles.directory.service.extension.auth.alias J2C authentication alias to use. The options are:
- connectionsAdmin. This value is the default value. This authentication alias is created by the installer.
- <custom>. See the Lotus Connections wiki for more information about this option.
- waltzJAASAuth. You can use this value if you are upgrading from an earlier version of Lotus Connections in which you created a custom alias.
profiles.directory.service.extension.enabled Whether Profiles directory service integration is enabled. When Profiles directory service integration is enabled, Lotus Connections retrieves user information from the Profiles database instead of the LDAP server. Profiles must be installed and people search must be enabled during the installation before you can set this property to true. The property accepts a Boolean value; the options are true and false. Group information can be retrieved from the LDAP only.
This property replaces thewpi.enabled and wpi.enabled properties, which were deprecated in release 2.5.
profiles.directory.service.extension.href Web address from which to access the Profiles directory service extension. Specify the Web address using the following syntax: <profiles_server>/dsxwhere <profiles_server> is the Web address from which the Profiles feature is available. If the force.conf.comm.enabled property is set to true, be sure that the value of this property is specified as a https Web address. Failing to do so might prevent users from being able to authenticate with the system.
This property replaces thewpi.href and wpi.href properties, which were deprecated in release 2.5.
profiles.enabled Whether the ability to access the Profiles feature over HTTP is enabled. The property accepts a Boolean value; the options are true and false. profiles.href Web address from which to access the Profiles feature over HTTP. Specify the protocol (HTTP), server name, and optionally the port number. profiles.href.prefix Context root from which to access the feature. For example: /profiles. profiles.interService.href Web address from which other Lotus Connections features access this feature. Specify the protocol and server name. profiles.pcs.name.js.eval Label of the link that you click to access the Profiles feature from the business card. profiles.pcs.url.pattern Web pattern of the link to the Profiles feature from the business card. profiles.ssl.enabled Whether the ability to access the Profiles feature over secure HTTP is enabled. The property accepts a Boolean value; the options are true and false. profiles.ssl.href Web address from which to access the Profiles feature over https. Specify the protocol (HTTPS), server name, and optionally the port number. quickr.enabled Whether the ability to access a link to a Lotus Quickr. place from the business card over HTTP is enabled. The property accepts a Boolean value; the options are true and false. See Using business cards in the Administering Profiles section of the information center for more information about these Lotus Quickr. properties. quickr.href Web address from which to access a Lotus Quickr place over HTTP. Specify the protocol (HTTP), server name, and optionally the port number. quickr.href.prefix Context root from which to access Sametime awareness services. For example: /quickr. quickr.interService.href Web address from which other Lotus Connections features access this feature. Specify the protocol and server name. quickr.pcs.name.js.eval Label of the link that you click to access the Lotus Quickr place from the business card. quickr.pcs.url.pattern Web pattern of the link to the Lotus Quickr place from the business card. quickr.ssl.enabled Whether the ability to access a link to a Lotus Quickr place from the business card over https is enabled. The property accepts a Boolean value; the options are true and false. quickr.ssl.href Web address from which to access a Lotus Quickr place over https. Specify the protocol (HTTPS), server name, and optionally the port number. sametimeLinks.anonymousLogin.enabled Boolean. Whether the ability to access the Sametime Links resources anonymously is enabled. Options are true and false. Do not edit this value. For information about how to add Sametime awareness to Lotus Connections, see Adding Sametime awareness to Lotus Connections.
sametimeLinks.enabled Boolean. Whether the ability to connect to the Sametime Links resources over HTTP is enabled. Options are true and false. Do not edit this value. For information about how to add Sametime awareness to Lotus Connections, see Adding Sametime awareness to Lotus Connections.
sametimeLinks.href Web address from which the Sametime Links resources, which support the display of presence awareness information in Lotus Connections, can be accessed over the HTTP protocol. Specify the protocol (HTTP), server name, and optionally the port number. Do not edit this value. For information about how to add Sametime awareness to Lotus Connections, see Adding Sametime awareness to Lotus Connections.
sametimeLinks.href.prefix Context root from which to access the feature. For example: /sametime. sametimeLinks.ssl.enabled Boolean. Whether the ability to connect to the Sametime Links resources over HTTPS is enabled. Options are true and false. Do not edit this value. For information about how to add Sametime awareness to Lotus Connections, see Adding Sametime awareness to Lotus Connections.
sametimeLinks.ssl.href Web address from which the Sametime Links resources, which support the display of presence awareness information in Lotus Connections, can be accessed over the HTTPS protocol. Specify the protocol (HTTPS), server name, and optionally the port number. Do not edit this value. For information about how to add Sametime awareness to Lotus Connections, see Adding Sametime awareness to Lotus Connections.
search.ejb.cluster Name of the cluster in which the Advanced Search feature is installed. This property is used for JNDI lookups in cluster environments to ensure failover and load balancing on lookups. search.ejb.port Port number of the server specified in the search.ejb.server property to use to perform JNDI lookups. This value is usually 2809, but may be different if port 2809 is already in use. search.ejb.server Host name of the server on which to perform JNDI lookups. Use this setting if the Advanced Search feature is installed in a separate cell from the other features. search.enabled Whether the ability to access Advanced Search over HTTP is enabled. The property accepts a Boolean value; the options are true and false. search.href Web address from which to access Advanced Search over HTTP. Specify the protocol (HTTP), server name, and optionally the port number. search.href.prefix Context root from which to access the feature. For example: /search. search.interService.href Web address from which other Lotus Connections features access Advanced Search. Specify the protocol and server name. search.ssl.enabled Whether the ability to access Advanced Search over secure HTTP is enabled. The property accepts a Boolean value; the options are true and false. search.ssl.href Web address from which to access Advanced Search over https. Specify the protocol (HTTPS), server name, and optionally the port number. style.caching.value Content of the cache-control header of the navigation bar. The directives defined in RFC 2616 are supported. See the following external Web site for details: http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html The default value is:
max-age=3600, privateThese directives are defined as follows:
- max-age=n
- The value of n represents the amount of time after which the cached information is considered to be in need of a refresh. The value is specified in seconds. The default value is 3600.
- private
- Navigation bar can be cached only by a private cache.
style.enabled Boolean. Whether to apply a style sheet to the footer. Options are true and false. The values defined in the style.cssRtl.url and style.css.url properties are not used by the product. The only way to apply a stylesheet to a page is to edit the stylesheet include statement. The include statement looks like this: <link rel="stylesheet" href="..."/>.
style.footer.url Web address of the footer.html file, which defines the structure of the footer that is displayed on each feature page. style.header.url Web address of the header.html file, which defines the structure of the navigation bar. style.images.ssl_url Web address of the images in which navigation bar or footer images are stored when Lotus Connections is accessed over secure HTTP. The Web address must begin with the https:// protocol. style.images.url Web address of the images in which navigation bar or footer images are stored when Lotus Connections is accessed over HTTP. The Web address must begin with the http:// protocol. versionStamp Defines a version number that is stored as an internal URL reference for static content on the product's Web pages. After customizing the product or installing an interim fix, the administrator increments the value of this property to prevent end users from having to clear their Web browser cache to see the latest changes. Use the following syntax to specify a value for this property: yyyyMMdd.HHmmss For example: 20090720.034448 wikis.enabled Whether the ability to access the Wikis feature over HTTP is enabled. The property accepts a Boolean value; the options are true and false. wikis.href Web address from which to access the Wikis feature over HTTP. Specify the protocol (HTTP), server name, and optionally the port number. wikis.href.prefix Context root from which to access the feature. For example: /wikis. wikis.interService.href Web address from which other Lotus Connections features access this feature. Specify the protocol and server name. wikis.pcs.name.js.eval Label of the link that you click to access the Wikis feature from the business card. wikis.pcs.url.pattern Web pattern of the link to the Wikis feature from the business card. wikis.ssl.href Web address from which to access the Wikis feature over https. Specify the protocol (HTTPS), server name, and optionally the port number. wikis.ssl.enabled Whether the ability to access the Wikis feature over secure HTTP is enabled. The property accepts a Boolean value; the options are true and false.
Properties that can only change by editing the XML file directly
The following properties are also stored in the LotusConnections-config.xml file, but cannot be edited using the updateConfig command from the wsadmin client. Instead, check out the configuration file using the wsadmin client CheckOut command, and then edit the property in a text editor. After you edit a property file by hand and then save and close it, you should always open the file in a Web browser to make sure you did not introduce any errors. A properly formatted XML file will display in a Web browser; if there is an error in the file, the Web browser will report the error. After you fix any errors, check the file back in using the CheckIn wsadmin client command.
- Virus scanning properties:
<!-- Uncomment and replace hostname as appropriate to enable virus scanning Replace myScannerService with the appropriate name for your scanner (eg AVSCAN for Symantec, RESPMOD for McAfee) --> <!--avFilter class="AVScannerICAP"> <property>av.scanner.servers=myscanner.host.com</property> <property>exception.on.virus=yes</property> <property>av.scanner.service=myScannerService</property> <property>av.chunk.size=50000</property> <property>first.read.timeout=120000</property> </avFilter-->The XML elements and attributes function as follows:
- av.chunk.size
- Transfer rate. Specify an integer in bytes.
- av.scanner.id
- Virus scanning software you are using. If you enable virus scanning using Symantec, specify
symantecas the value of this property.
- av.scanner.servers
- Virus scanning server to use to scan uploaded files for viruses. Replace my.virus.scanning.server.com with a list of one or more of the virus scanning servers used by your organization. Separated multiple servers with a comma. For example:
<property>av.scanner.servers=ssoc.acme.com</property> or <property>av.scanner.servers=ssoc1.acme.com,ssoc2.acme.com</property>
- av.scanner.symantec
- Library that provides the virus scanning code. If you enable virus scanning using Symantec, specify
- exception.on.virus
- Defines what to do when a virus is found. This property accepts a Boolean value of yes or no. If set to yes, when viral content is found, a server exception is thrown, and the file is rejected. If set to no, and if the scanning service has provided replacement content for the file, the replacement content is used. This property is set to yes by default.
- first.read.timeout
- Length of time for the timeout. Specify an integer in milliseconds.
Display language customization support: <languageSelector cookieDomain="" cookieName="" defaultLanguage="" enabled="false" usePermanentCookie="false"> <language lang="en">English</language> <language lang="zh">\u4e2d\u6587\uff08\u7b80\u4f53\uff09</language> <language lang="zh_tw">\u4e2d\u6587 (\u7e41\u9ad4)</language> <language lang="ja">\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e</language> <language lang="ko">\ud55c\uad6d\uc5b4</language> <language lang="fr">Fran\u00e7ais</language> <language lang="de">Deutsch</language> <language lang="it">Italiano</language> <language lang="es">Espa\u00f1ol</language> <language lang="pt_br">Portugu\u00eas (Brasil)</language> <language lang="cs">\u010ce\u0161tina</language> <language lang="da">Dansk</language> <language lang="nl">Nederlands</language> <language lang="fi">suomi</language> <language lang="el">\u0395\u03bb\u03bb\u03b7\u03bd\u03b9\u03ba\u03ac</language> <language lang="hu">Magyar</language> <language lang="no">Norsk (Bokm\u00e5l)</language> <language lang="pl">polski</language> <language lang="pt">Portugu\u00eas (Portugal)</language> <language lang="ru">\u0420\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439</language> <language lang="sv">Svenska</language> <language lang="tr">T\u00fcrk\u00e7e</language> <language lang="iw">\u05e2\u05d1\u05e8\u05d9\u05ea</language> <language lang="ar">\u200f\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a\u0629\u200f</language> </languageSelector>The XML entries and attributes function as follows:
- cookieDomain
- Optional. Defines a cookie domain which enables the language setting to work across multiple servers. Specify a valid, fully qualified domain name of the server where the cookie resides. For example: .acme.com. Note that the domain name begins with a period (.). If you specify this cookie domain, the language setting would work for Profiles on profiles.acme.com and for Activities on activities.acme.com. By default, no cookie domain is used.
- cookieName
- Optional. The default cookie name is lcLang. To use a different name for the cookie, specify a new name in this attribute.
- defaultLanguage
- Specify the language to be displayed in the language selector in the product's navigation bar by default. Specify the language by entering its associated ISO country code.
- enabled
- Whether to allow users to change the display language of the product. This attribute accepts a Boolean value; the options are true and false.
- language
- Each <language> element represents a language that you want users to be able to select from the language selector drop-down list in the product navigation bar. Add and remove language elements to create a full list of the languages you want to make available. Include a lang attribute that specifies the ISO country code associated with the language. Provide the language name as it should be displayed in the list as the value of the language element. Specify non-Latin characters in Javascript escaped unicode format. You can only specify languages that the product supports. For a list of languages, see Supported languages.
- usePermanentCookie
- Optional. Whether you want the cookie to persist for longer than the duration of the Web browser session. This attribute accepts a Boolean value; the options are true and false. If you set the attribute to true, it creates a persistent cookie that has an expiry date of ten years from the date it was created.
Administer all Lotus Connections features
Related tasks
Add Sametime awareness to Lotus Connections
Apply common configuration property changes
Lotus Connections configuration property values
Troubleshooting inter-server communication
Related reference
Lotus Connections configuration error messages