Uninstall updates
If the installation of a fix pack or interim fix fails, you can restore your Lotus Connections environment to its previous state. You can use the update wizard to uninstall fixes. There are two modes in which you can run the wizard:
- Interactive mode
- Confirm each step of the process
- Silent mode
- You use a series of commands and parameters to launch and run the wizard
- Uninstall fix packs in interactive mode
If the fix pack that you installed is not working, you can uninstall it using the update wizard in interactive mode.- Uninstall fix packs in silent mode
If the fix pack that you installed is not working, you can uninstall it using the update wizard in silent mode.- Uninstall interim fixes in interactive mode
If the interim fix that you installed is not working, you can uninstall it using the update wizard in interactive mode.- Uninstall interim fixes in silent mode
If the interim fix that you installed is not working, you can uninstall it using the update wizard in silent mode.
Updating Lotus Connections 2.5
Related tasks
Prepare Lotus Connections for maintenance
Migrating to Lotus Connections 2.5