

Customizing a blog theme



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Customize a blog theme to change the look of a blog. Or create a new theme and make it available to your blog users.

The theme for a blog controls the look and the layout of the blog. You can customize the theme for a blog to change the look of it by editing the templates files that make up the theme. For example, you might add a corporate logo or change the background color for a theme. You should be comfortable editing HTML files and cascading style sheets (CSS files) to modify a blog theme. Also note the following:

CAUTION:The ability for blog owners to customize their blog themes is disabled by default. Although the setting to enable this feature is on the Administrations Settings page, we strongly recommend you do not enable it, because end-user theme customization is not a supported feature. End-user customized theme migration will be the customer's responsibility for future releases. The setting is provided for backward compatibility with the Lotus Connections 1.x releases. If your end users customized themes in an earlier release, enable this feature so they can retrieve their customized themes.

The following topics describe how to access and modify the templates for a theme and how to make a new theme available for use.
