IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics, Version

data collector installation fails

The following content provides solutions when the data collector installation fails.

data collector installation fails when the system has a wrong mount

The problem: The data collector installation fails when the system has a wrong mount.

The solution: InstallShield uses the UNIX df command to check disk space on the target computer. User corrects the wrong mount indicated by the df command and restarts the installation process.

data collector installation or configuration fails

The problem: The directory DC_home/runtime is not created and the start-up script or other files on application server side are not modified for data collector support.

The solution: For a GUI installation, a message panel will pop up to show detailed error information. Check this message to find if the prerequisite conditions are not met.

For a silent installation, please check installation log files and find messages with log level ERROR or WARN.

Net Weaver data collector installation or configuration fails

The problem: The data collector for Net Weaver installation fails or fails to start after installation.

The reason: Verify that you have the correct configuration for Net Weaver, the following text outlines the names, details, and locations for Net Weaver configuration files:

The solution: If the std_server[N] log, reports Xrun library am_xx_xx.dll or cannot be found:

Oracle data collector Installation/configuration fails

The problem: After installing the data collector, the Oracle instance cannot startup.

The solution: If the instance log reports that Xrun library am_xx_xx.dll or cannot be found, make sure your Oracle instance is recycled properly.

If the Oracle instance is on Windows 2000 and the instance log file reports maximum command length exceeded, check your Java options in your opmn.xml and remove some unnecessary parameters. Another solution to exceeding maximum command length is to install your data collector with a shorter file system path like /opt/oracleDC or C:\DC\.

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data collector


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