IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics, Version
New Take actions and Situations appear in workspaces for older Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent versions
The problem: New situations and take actions, such as Configure, ConfigCancel, and ConfigPing show up in workspaces for the 6.1/6.2 Fix Pack 5 (and earlier) Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent. However, these take actions are only supported in ITCAM for Application Diagnostics 7.1 and later.
This is an issue for systems running ITCAM for WebSphere 6.1 Fix Pack 5 or earlier, ITCAM for J2EE 6.1 Fix Pack 5 or earlier or ITCAM for Web Resources 6.2 Fix Pack 5 or earlier in conjunction with ITCAM for Application Diagnostics 7.1. The issue is only evident on Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent in the 6.1/6.2 Fix Pack 5 (or earlier) versions.
The reason: The Tivoli Enterprise Portal client does not rely on situation affinity to determine the valid targets for distribution.
The solution: This is a known issue and is actually necessary functionality for some users. You can ignore these Situations and Take Actions if you are running version 6.1/6.2 Fix Pack 5 or earlier in conjunction with version 7.1.
Parent topic:
Troubleshooting: Tivoli Enterprise Portal