IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics, Version
Direct JVM invocation
To start the LogViewer by direct JVM invocation, please set the CLASSPATH environment variable such that the following binary files are included:
- jlog.jar
- viewer.jar
- xmlparserAPIs.jar
- xercesImpl.jar
- regex4j.jar
Run the following command to start the LogViewer:
java -DVIEWER_HOME= [-DTRACE=DEBUG_MIN] [-DSHOWTITLE=TRUE] com.tivoli.log.viewer.Cli [(-q Query_String) | (-f filename)] [-s (text | html)] [-h] <input1.xml> [<input2.xml> <input3.xml> ...]...where:
- the -DVIEWER_HOME system property defines the location of the stylesheet (.css) files. These stylesheets will be embedded in the output HTML file.
- the -DTRACE system property defines the level of tracing. Default DEBUG_MIN, but DEBUG_MID and DEBUG_MAX are also valid settings.
- the -DSHOWTITLE system property directs the HTML formatter to either include or omit the title. The default is to include the title. The title consists of a comma-separated list of input filenames.
- -cp "viewer.jar:jlog.jar:xercesImpl.jar:xmlparserAPIs.jar:regex4j.jar" indicates to the JVM which .jar files must be available so the viewer can function. If these .jar files are not in the current directory, provide the full pathname to each .jar file.
This example uses the UNIX colon separator ':'. In DOS, this would be a semicolon, ';'.
- -q specifies a query string, which defines what will be in the output and the format of that output. See Specify the query string.
- -f specifies a file that contains the query string.
Only one of -q or -f can be specified.
- -s specifies either text or html output (default is html). The html output is in UTF-8 encoding. Text output is in the default encoding of the console where the command is issued.
- -h displays the usage statement.
- All other arguments are interpreted as log XML input files. When multiple input files are given, the log and trace records are merged based on the timestamp.